How to Prevent High Blood Pressure in Pregnancy
High blood pressure in pregnancy can be extremely dangerous.
This is also known as hypertension, so reducing hypertension in pregnancy is crucial to the overall health of the mother and the unborn child.
There are many women that have this and deliver healthy babies without serious problems.
Women with this silent killer during pregnancy can have certain complications with the birth than those without it.
This type of pressure can harm the mothers' kidney and it can also produce low birth weight babies or early delivery.
In serious cases the mother could develop a condition called pre-eclampsia which could threaten the life of the mothers and the child.
What is pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is a condition that starts after the 20th week of pregnancy and is related to increased high blood pressure and protein in the mothers urine.
Pre-eclampsia affects the placenta and it can affect the mothers' kidneys, liver and brain.
There is no way to prevent pre-eclampsia if your blood pressure is high before the 20th week of pregnancy.
The only way to cure pre-eclampsia is to deliver the baby.
Pre-eclampsia is more likely to occur in older mothers and women who have multiple births where pre-eclampsia could happen more frequently.
You are more likely to develop pre-eclampsia if you suffer from this disease before you become pregnant, are overweight before you become pregnant and if you have a kidney problem, diabetic or arthritis.
There are no test to detect pre-eclampsia.
The only signals will be if your pressure is too high or too much protein in your urine.
So it is a good idea to check your blood pressure before becoming pregnant to have a better chance of not getting pre-eclampsia while you are pregnant.
This is also known as hypertension, so reducing hypertension in pregnancy is crucial to the overall health of the mother and the unborn child.
There are many women that have this and deliver healthy babies without serious problems.
Women with this silent killer during pregnancy can have certain complications with the birth than those without it.
This type of pressure can harm the mothers' kidney and it can also produce low birth weight babies or early delivery.
In serious cases the mother could develop a condition called pre-eclampsia which could threaten the life of the mothers and the child.
What is pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is a condition that starts after the 20th week of pregnancy and is related to increased high blood pressure and protein in the mothers urine.
Pre-eclampsia affects the placenta and it can affect the mothers' kidneys, liver and brain.
There is no way to prevent pre-eclampsia if your blood pressure is high before the 20th week of pregnancy.
The only way to cure pre-eclampsia is to deliver the baby.
Pre-eclampsia is more likely to occur in older mothers and women who have multiple births where pre-eclampsia could happen more frequently.
You are more likely to develop pre-eclampsia if you suffer from this disease before you become pregnant, are overweight before you become pregnant and if you have a kidney problem, diabetic or arthritis.
There are no test to detect pre-eclampsia.
The only signals will be if your pressure is too high or too much protein in your urine.
So it is a good idea to check your blood pressure before becoming pregnant to have a better chance of not getting pre-eclampsia while you are pregnant.