So You Dumped Your Boyfriend and Now You Want Him Back
You realized that you overreacted and he really isn't so bad after all.
Or is he? Have you dug down deep to truly understand why you dumped your boyfriend? Maybe you told yourself it was the way he chewed his food or the way he laughed? Who knows, it might have even been something as big as the way he walked? It doesn't really matter what caused you to react the way you did, the fact of the matter is that you made the decision and now you are left with a dumped boyfriend who you want back.
The only problem is, he wants nothing to do with you and no matter how hard you try, he won't come back.
Have you tried leaving him alone? No matter how you spin it, you hurt him and he probably feels somewhat humiliated.
If you've tried calling and texting around the clock and he doesn't respond, that is a pretty clear sign that he needs to be left alone.
So rather than keep trying all your tactics which haven't yet worked, give him some space and dig into the real reasons why you dumped boyfriend.
The real truth of the matter is that some girls will try to 'test' their relationship by breaking up and seeing if their boyfriend will fight to get them back.
If that is what happened here, this is not very good behavior.
Why would you want to put someone through the pain and anguish of a breakup? Typically, anyone who would go to these lengths to manipulate someone has deeply rooted self-esteem issues that may take a little time to work out.
If you are feeling down because of self-esteem issues and that little voice tells you that you are not good enough, take your time apart to really address this issue in your own life.
This will make you far happier in the long run and will increase your chances of success in your relationship in the future.
With that said, to win back a dumped boyfriend clearly takes a lot of work on yourself first.
There are not many self-respecting guys who will put up with someone who is high-maintenance and does not understand herself.
In the future, make certain you are one-hundred percent sure about what choices you are making and how they will impact you and your boyfriend.
Instead of dumping your boyfriend, have a heart-to-heart talk with him about your own fears and insecurities.
He will certainly think much more of you if you are just open and honest with him about what is going on.
Did you know that 70% of women fail to get back dumped boyfriend because they make this MISTAKE?