List Building, A Guided Tour Through The Labyrinth.
Some of the best advice I've ever received in life is; 'Never fear the shadows, they simply mean there is a light nearby."
There certainly are plenty of shadows in the labyrinth of List Building! It seems as though everywhere you turn, there is another blind ally, another thing to stub or break your toe on, yet another monster hiding in yet another corner.
Of course, continuing in this fashion is an option, just maybe not your best option.
Today, lets have a closer look at the light switches, illuminate the darkness, and getting ourselves through this maze unscathed!
Tellman and his crew will walk you through, step by step, they know where the monsters hide, they know the monsters don't like light, they know where the light switches are.
They have seen the other side, they have lived to tell the tale.
Step #1 Looking for Light Switches...
The first step, 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.'
List Building, Sending Email and Making Money can seem an insurmountable task.
If you've never done anything like it before, if you've never tried to make money online, if you've never been through this labyrinth before, your best bet is to follow someone.
And if you are going to follow someone through the labyrinth of List Building, Tellman Knudson is the wise choice. Not only because he's made it to the other side... but because he made maps, emails, and videos to tell you the best, quickest, safest way through the maze.
It would not be very helpful for you to just stumble along, behind some guy who just happens to be stumbling along ahead of you.
It's in your best interest to go into this with a guide. Someone who's been through it before, who meets you at the gate with a knowing smile, someone who passes out maps at the entrance, and leaves a trail of bread crumbs. Someone to tell you where, on the endless walls of the endless halls, the dang light switches are.
At Overcome Everything, they are all about shining a light for you. They are very aware of the fact that a candle loses none of it's light by lighting another candle... as far as that goes, they are on a mission to lighting as many candles as they can, as fast as they can.
We've all made this mistake at home; instead of taking the time to turn on the light, we wander around in the dark, breaking toes, tripping over the dog, and imbedding Leggos in our elbows.
Likewise, here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, it's not unusual to see TWO cars off the road in a snow storm. Why? Because the guy in the second car was blindly following the guy in the first car... right off the road.
Not being able to see where you are going can be a hassle at best, and terrifyingly problematic at worst. Especially if it turns out you are following someone who can't see either, and who doesn't know the road.
List Building is not as hard as all that. Follow a few simple tips and tricks from Tellman, read a few articles, watch a few videos, push a few buttons and presto, you will have set up an auto-drip machine that pours cash into the carafe which is your bank account.
Step #2 Take The Map.
Sure, it's true, all roads lead to California... eventually. But which way is quickest, which way has the lowest tolls to suit your budget, which way is easiest on your vehicle?
The way you choose to go depends on you, and your needs.
Tellman and the crew at Overcome Everything have analyzed all the options, they know which ways 'Work', and which ways are just more work that will run you around and around endlessly, getting you nowhere.
You have choices to make, stumble around in the dark, or get a copy of Tellman's map!
Have you ever gone to a map site online, where they give you directions that seem way to complicated? So you pull out your trusty, crusty, coffee stained atlas, and discover that they would have ran you 75 miles in the wrong direction, down construction riddled, toll booth laden highways, to avoid some pothole in Peoria.
The List Building map, which is offered by Tellman at, will show you the correct way to weave through the noise and traffic, so that potholes in Peoria are no problem.
You will find everything you need to get yourself successfully underway.
Step #3 Do your homework
Doing your homework can and does save time and money, and it can help you keep your sanity.
Tellman has done his homework, and he is willing to let you copy it! The best news is, it's not against the rules to copy the homework of someone who's done it successfully! As a matter of fact, copying someone else's work is highly advantageous and advisable, when permissible.
Step #4 Follow the Directions
Sometimes, it's kind of cool, to set out on a trip, with no clear idea of where you are going, what you want to do on the way, or what you want it to be like when you get there.
More often than not, though, advance planning saves headaches.
Being a wanderer at heart, I can honestly say that I've taken some awesome unplanned, meandering trips, and seen some really cool things!
Since finding and Overcome Everything's "Send Email Make Money" programs, I see that maybe, I could have been going to more places, and seeing more cool things.
Then, when I realized that I could have been making money while I was out there living life, had I just done some homework, and followed some directions, I hung my head!
I've been wandering around this infinite internet for over 4 years, I've walked 10,000,000 miles on the surface of the sun to stand here and tell you that I was a fool. [It's good I didn't drag an entourage along on my odyssey.]
I know now, that I could have saved myself a great deal of time and aggravation had I just... had some direction, a plan, a map, a guide.
Sometimes, we are so hung up on where we are, that we don't see the help that's out there. The Guru's, who are further up the path, are hollering back over their shoulders, "List Building! List Building", but we are too busy stumbling around in the dark, trying not to fall over the edge, to look up and not just hear them, but listen.
We holler up to the Gurus, "Hang on a sec, geese, can't you see I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place here?" And the Guru's keep going, knowing that if we listened, we could have avoided the rock and the hard place altogether.
Step #5 Get in the car and GO...
Life is a highway, not a Wall Martian parking lot.
"How you are working on a problem often indicates how you are keeping it a problem."
If we are not careful, we get paralysis from the analysis, A.K.A. information overload, and we never actually get around to doing anything. We are too busy re-covering ground we've already covered, inspecting the plan, picking it apart to minutia and never getting anywhere.
The butterflies in your belly are never going to fly in formation. At some point we have to trust our gut, know that we have chosen the best information, and run with it. Have faith in our faith and doubt in our doubt.
Step #6 Enjoy The Ride
It's interesting how, once in motion, it seems silly, all the time we wasted standing there, not moving.
There is a rock cliff on the back side of Eligo Lake in Craftsbury Vermont, it's about 30 high. At the top of the cliff is a tree that hangs out over the edge. That tree had a rope hanging from one of it's branches when I was about 11. One summer day, we swam across the lake to that cliff and climbed up.
My daredevil siblings took turns, one by one, grabbing the rope, swinging out over the lake, and letting go. I watched them drop, wiggling and hollering, into the water. No problem. Laughter.
But when it came my turn, I was paralyzed. I kept thinking things like, what if I hold onto the rope too long, or not long enough? What if I land on a rock just below the surface? What if the rope breaks?
My siblings, after having jumped a few times each, started picking on me, pretending to shiver and making sounds like chickens.
So I grabbed the rope, and swung out over the lake... and I swung back in.
Standing there on the cliff again, I could tell instantly that my life was going to be made hellish by the jeers of the others if I didn't jump. I also knew I would always wonder if I could have done it, had I not been too scared to let go... so I ran like crazy and swung back out over the lake... and I let go.
I've been in that place many times since... that place I refer to as being 'between the diving board and the water'... too late to turn back, and yet, still concerned with the outcome of the decision to jump.
Eventually though, you hit the water, you go down deep, and come up laughing... WOW, what a trip! And the laughter is more at yourself than anything else, what was I was afraid of anyway? Everyone else was doing it! It had been done, and I was following people I trusted.
Since that first leap of faith, I have been enjoying the ride more, that place between the diving board and the water, that time after the decision to jump
It becomes easier for you with each leap, because you know you did your homework, you know you have chosen to follow someone you trust, and you know that no one wants to see you go SPLAT.
Step #7 Tweeter Your List From Paradise.
Be sure to attach pictures! A picture is worth a thousand words. The best way to teach those who are on your list by showing them. Tellman lives this philosophy. He has put together a nice 'whole package' deal.
We all learn differently. Some of us like reading articles, some like YouTube, Some like tweets. Which ever ways work for you, the List Building Plan has you covered. Without doubt, from facespace to mybook to twitland, Tellman Knudson will teach you how to build your list.
The ultimate benefit of this system, is freedom.
The world, according to Tellman, began somewhere in New Hampshire, sometime in 1978.
Doctors told him he would never run, and that he needed surgery to straighten his inwardly bowing legs. Tellman chose to run... right out of the doctors office and down in history. He ran all around the country, raising money for homeless teens with every step. Then he started building a company named, Overcome Everything, because he is, and he wants you to as well.
He made a promise, that if he figured out to make money by sending email, he would teach anyone else, who has a sincere desire to change their lives, how to do it to.
The ultimate benefit of this plan is that you will finally have a list! A list of like-minded people, who are interested in the same things you are. People who you can hang out in paradise with, while that auto-drip machine fills your cup to overflowing.
In closing I would just like to say that you are here for a reason, there are no such things as coincidences. You are, most definitely, in the right place, at the right time... doing the right thing. is the right place to be. The right time to stop watching other people living their lives and start living yours is now. The right thing to do is follow your best judgement on over to Tellman's site, and plug yourself into the life of freedom you deserve... Your family will thank you for it.
One last last thought to share... add Tellman to your facespace, Add Overcome Everything to your tweet feeder, Add to your myface. Mix it up, add all of them to all of your social network sites. You will find the positive vibes inspiring and very conducive to progress. And your friends will thank you.
If You want to learn how to Send Email [&] Make Money?
This video could upgrade your life!
Click this link now to get your FREE video!
There certainly are plenty of shadows in the labyrinth of List Building! It seems as though everywhere you turn, there is another blind ally, another thing to stub or break your toe on, yet another monster hiding in yet another corner.
Of course, continuing in this fashion is an option, just maybe not your best option.
Today, lets have a closer look at the light switches, illuminate the darkness, and getting ourselves through this maze unscathed!
Tellman and his crew will walk you through, step by step, they know where the monsters hide, they know the monsters don't like light, they know where the light switches are.
They have seen the other side, they have lived to tell the tale.
Step #1 Looking for Light Switches...
The first step, 'A journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.'
List Building, Sending Email and Making Money can seem an insurmountable task.
If you've never done anything like it before, if you've never tried to make money online, if you've never been through this labyrinth before, your best bet is to follow someone.
And if you are going to follow someone through the labyrinth of List Building, Tellman Knudson is the wise choice. Not only because he's made it to the other side... but because he made maps, emails, and videos to tell you the best, quickest, safest way through the maze.
It would not be very helpful for you to just stumble along, behind some guy who just happens to be stumbling along ahead of you.
It's in your best interest to go into this with a guide. Someone who's been through it before, who meets you at the gate with a knowing smile, someone who passes out maps at the entrance, and leaves a trail of bread crumbs. Someone to tell you where, on the endless walls of the endless halls, the dang light switches are.
At Overcome Everything, they are all about shining a light for you. They are very aware of the fact that a candle loses none of it's light by lighting another candle... as far as that goes, they are on a mission to lighting as many candles as they can, as fast as they can.
We've all made this mistake at home; instead of taking the time to turn on the light, we wander around in the dark, breaking toes, tripping over the dog, and imbedding Leggos in our elbows.
Likewise, here in the Northeast Kingdom of Vermont, it's not unusual to see TWO cars off the road in a snow storm. Why? Because the guy in the second car was blindly following the guy in the first car... right off the road.
Not being able to see where you are going can be a hassle at best, and terrifyingly problematic at worst. Especially if it turns out you are following someone who can't see either, and who doesn't know the road.
List Building is not as hard as all that. Follow a few simple tips and tricks from Tellman, read a few articles, watch a few videos, push a few buttons and presto, you will have set up an auto-drip machine that pours cash into the carafe which is your bank account.
Step #2 Take The Map.
Sure, it's true, all roads lead to California... eventually. But which way is quickest, which way has the lowest tolls to suit your budget, which way is easiest on your vehicle?
The way you choose to go depends on you, and your needs.
Tellman and the crew at Overcome Everything have analyzed all the options, they know which ways 'Work', and which ways are just more work that will run you around and around endlessly, getting you nowhere.
You have choices to make, stumble around in the dark, or get a copy of Tellman's map!
Have you ever gone to a map site online, where they give you directions that seem way to complicated? So you pull out your trusty, crusty, coffee stained atlas, and discover that they would have ran you 75 miles in the wrong direction, down construction riddled, toll booth laden highways, to avoid some pothole in Peoria.
The List Building map, which is offered by Tellman at, will show you the correct way to weave through the noise and traffic, so that potholes in Peoria are no problem.
You will find everything you need to get yourself successfully underway.
Step #3 Do your homework
Doing your homework can and does save time and money, and it can help you keep your sanity.
Tellman has done his homework, and he is willing to let you copy it! The best news is, it's not against the rules to copy the homework of someone who's done it successfully! As a matter of fact, copying someone else's work is highly advantageous and advisable, when permissible.
Step #4 Follow the Directions
Sometimes, it's kind of cool, to set out on a trip, with no clear idea of where you are going, what you want to do on the way, or what you want it to be like when you get there.
More often than not, though, advance planning saves headaches.
Being a wanderer at heart, I can honestly say that I've taken some awesome unplanned, meandering trips, and seen some really cool things!
Since finding and Overcome Everything's "Send Email Make Money" programs, I see that maybe, I could have been going to more places, and seeing more cool things.
Then, when I realized that I could have been making money while I was out there living life, had I just done some homework, and followed some directions, I hung my head!
I've been wandering around this infinite internet for over 4 years, I've walked 10,000,000 miles on the surface of the sun to stand here and tell you that I was a fool. [It's good I didn't drag an entourage along on my odyssey.]
I know now, that I could have saved myself a great deal of time and aggravation had I just... had some direction, a plan, a map, a guide.
Sometimes, we are so hung up on where we are, that we don't see the help that's out there. The Guru's, who are further up the path, are hollering back over their shoulders, "List Building! List Building", but we are too busy stumbling around in the dark, trying not to fall over the edge, to look up and not just hear them, but listen.
We holler up to the Gurus, "Hang on a sec, geese, can't you see I'm kind of between a rock and a hard place here?" And the Guru's keep going, knowing that if we listened, we could have avoided the rock and the hard place altogether.
Step #5 Get in the car and GO...
Life is a highway, not a Wall Martian parking lot.
"How you are working on a problem often indicates how you are keeping it a problem."
If we are not careful, we get paralysis from the analysis, A.K.A. information overload, and we never actually get around to doing anything. We are too busy re-covering ground we've already covered, inspecting the plan, picking it apart to minutia and never getting anywhere.
The butterflies in your belly are never going to fly in formation. At some point we have to trust our gut, know that we have chosen the best information, and run with it. Have faith in our faith and doubt in our doubt.
Step #6 Enjoy The Ride
It's interesting how, once in motion, it seems silly, all the time we wasted standing there, not moving.
There is a rock cliff on the back side of Eligo Lake in Craftsbury Vermont, it's about 30 high. At the top of the cliff is a tree that hangs out over the edge. That tree had a rope hanging from one of it's branches when I was about 11. One summer day, we swam across the lake to that cliff and climbed up.
My daredevil siblings took turns, one by one, grabbing the rope, swinging out over the lake, and letting go. I watched them drop, wiggling and hollering, into the water. No problem. Laughter.
But when it came my turn, I was paralyzed. I kept thinking things like, what if I hold onto the rope too long, or not long enough? What if I land on a rock just below the surface? What if the rope breaks?
My siblings, after having jumped a few times each, started picking on me, pretending to shiver and making sounds like chickens.
So I grabbed the rope, and swung out over the lake... and I swung back in.
Standing there on the cliff again, I could tell instantly that my life was going to be made hellish by the jeers of the others if I didn't jump. I also knew I would always wonder if I could have done it, had I not been too scared to let go... so I ran like crazy and swung back out over the lake... and I let go.
I've been in that place many times since... that place I refer to as being 'between the diving board and the water'... too late to turn back, and yet, still concerned with the outcome of the decision to jump.
Eventually though, you hit the water, you go down deep, and come up laughing... WOW, what a trip! And the laughter is more at yourself than anything else, what was I was afraid of anyway? Everyone else was doing it! It had been done, and I was following people I trusted.
Since that first leap of faith, I have been enjoying the ride more, that place between the diving board and the water, that time after the decision to jump
It becomes easier for you with each leap, because you know you did your homework, you know you have chosen to follow someone you trust, and you know that no one wants to see you go SPLAT.
Step #7 Tweeter Your List From Paradise.
Be sure to attach pictures! A picture is worth a thousand words. The best way to teach those who are on your list by showing them. Tellman lives this philosophy. He has put together a nice 'whole package' deal.
We all learn differently. Some of us like reading articles, some like YouTube, Some like tweets. Which ever ways work for you, the List Building Plan has you covered. Without doubt, from facespace to mybook to twitland, Tellman Knudson will teach you how to build your list.
The ultimate benefit of this system, is freedom.
The world, according to Tellman, began somewhere in New Hampshire, sometime in 1978.
Doctors told him he would never run, and that he needed surgery to straighten his inwardly bowing legs. Tellman chose to run... right out of the doctors office and down in history. He ran all around the country, raising money for homeless teens with every step. Then he started building a company named, Overcome Everything, because he is, and he wants you to as well.
He made a promise, that if he figured out to make money by sending email, he would teach anyone else, who has a sincere desire to change their lives, how to do it to.
The ultimate benefit of this plan is that you will finally have a list! A list of like-minded people, who are interested in the same things you are. People who you can hang out in paradise with, while that auto-drip machine fills your cup to overflowing.
In closing I would just like to say that you are here for a reason, there are no such things as coincidences. You are, most definitely, in the right place, at the right time... doing the right thing. is the right place to be. The right time to stop watching other people living their lives and start living yours is now. The right thing to do is follow your best judgement on over to Tellman's site, and plug yourself into the life of freedom you deserve... Your family will thank you for it.
One last last thought to share... add Tellman to your facespace, Add Overcome Everything to your tweet feeder, Add to your myface. Mix it up, add all of them to all of your social network sites. You will find the positive vibes inspiring and very conducive to progress. And your friends will thank you.
If You want to learn how to Send Email [&] Make Money?
This video could upgrade your life!
Click this link now to get your FREE video!