Mend a Broken Heart - How to Let Go
In a way, that's exactly what happened.
This person was special to you.
You loved him or her.
And now you have to cope with the death of an intimate relationship you enjoyed with your loved one.
The world is suddenly a dark, bitter, hopeless place.
How do you even begin to mend a broken heart? First, realize that healing from a breakup will take time.
The emotions you're feeling right now are part of the journey.
There will be sorrow, anger, and even denial.
All these feelings are your mind's way of coming to terms with the loss.
Go easy on yourself in the beginning.
Take a few days off from work if you need to.
Don't make any rash or life-changing decisions right away; now is not a good time to move across the country or make a career change.
You have enough stress on your plate at the moment.
It's easier to mend a broken heart when you find a way to vent your feelings.
Writing in a journal can help put things into perspective and allow you to heal much more quickly.
If journaling isn't your thing, try talking to friends who are willing to listen and help you get through this difficult time.
Although you'd probably rather curl up into a ball and stay in bed all day, you'll do yourself a world of good by exercising and doing the things you enjoy.
Go to the gym; ride your bike; take fencing lessons; learn to dance; go shopping.
Activities like this will distract you from the pain and give you something else to focus on.
Most importantly, be patient with yourself.
There is no instant cure for recovering from a relationship breakup.
But there ARE ways to speed the process along and start feeling better right away.