3 Questions You Wished You Could Ask, But Never Dared To.
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But the reality is that a lot of people still smoke during the meal, and won’t care much whether it bothers non-smokers. My house is no-smoking, and my strict "no smoking inside" rule has definitely puzzled some of my French friends... ("Désolée, mais on ne fume pas chez moi" - sorry, my house is a no smoking zone). So get ready to inhale a lot of second hand smoke if you have French friends...
If you are a smoker, if no one is already smoking at the table, you may need a “cigarette break” during the 4 hour meal.
In this case, wait for before cheese is served: cheese is cold, it can wait for you. Then just say : “Est-ce que je peux m’absenter un moment pour aller fumer une cigarette dehors?” (May I leave for a minute to go smoke a cigarette outside?). The host may then offer you to smoke in another room, or to open a window, or just be glad you offered to smoke outside if it is a non- smoking house.
When should you leave?
The evening could go quite late into the night. There is no “polite” ending time to a dinner among friends in France. If your hosts make any allusion to time, or worse discreetly yawns, it’s a sign for you to take your leave. If there is no sign from your hosts, then be sure to pay attention to your partner if you came with someone, because he/she might get tired before you do.
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