Build Your Tech Skills: 7 Reasons to Build a Website With WordPress
As you make your foray into the publishing end of the online world, you'll need to select a publishing platform as the foundation of your online presence.
While there are many options available to you to create a website, WordPress is wildly popular for several reasons: GENTLE LEARNING CURVE - There are numerous other content management systems available for you to choose from.
However, almost all of them have a far steeper learning curve than WordPress.
WordPress is the go-to publishing platform for so many online bloggers and businesses because it's easy so very easy to learn and you can have your site up in as little as a couple of hours.
FEATURES AND FUNCTIONALITY - WordPress offers a wide range of features like tags that help your content get found, insert link functions that let you create hyperlinks, testimonial buttons that let you insert testimonials, and even a stars-rating button that lets you add stars for reviews.
THEME CUSTOMIZATION - WordPress lets you easily change the look and feel of your website by changing themes.
This can be done right from the control dashboard, so you don't even have to use file transfer protocol (FTP) to get the new theme uploaded.
EASE OF USE - Unlike other online-publishing options, you don't have to muck with HTML, CSS, PHP or any other dreaded acronym when you use WordPress.
It's point and click and pretty much dummy proof.
WordPress also lets you easily edit things, as well as lets you preview your changes beforehand to see how it will look.
ABUNDANCE OF TUTORIALS - You only have to know the bare bones to get up and running with WordPress.
Any other skill you want to learn is easily found in the array of video and written tutorials that abound on the web.
Just search for "WordPress tutorial" + "your problem" and you are sure to find many tutorials addressing your issue.
COMMUNITY - Another great resource, WordPress.
org has a wonderful community that can help you if you find you're struggling with a certain problem that you just can't overcome.
From the existing content in the community forum, to the ability to post new questions and get expert responses, the WordPress community is active and eager to help.
EXTENDABILITY - WordPress lets you expand its capabilities beyond just publishing content by way of plugins.
These are additions that you download and activate on your site that let you do things like block spam, optimize your site for SEO, detect bad behavior, check for broken links, and limit login attempts.
There are over 23,000 plugins available to help you expand the capabilities of your WordPress site.
These are just a few reasons why WordPress is the go-to platform to publish your content online.
While there are many options available to you to create a website, WordPress is wildly popular for several reasons: GENTLE LEARNING CURVE - There are numerous other content management systems available for you to choose from.
However, almost all of them have a far steeper learning curve than WordPress.
WordPress is the go-to publishing platform for so many online bloggers and businesses because it's easy so very easy to learn and you can have your site up in as little as a couple of hours.
FEATURES AND FUNCTIONALITY - WordPress offers a wide range of features like tags that help your content get found, insert link functions that let you create hyperlinks, testimonial buttons that let you insert testimonials, and even a stars-rating button that lets you add stars for reviews.
THEME CUSTOMIZATION - WordPress lets you easily change the look and feel of your website by changing themes.
This can be done right from the control dashboard, so you don't even have to use file transfer protocol (FTP) to get the new theme uploaded.
EASE OF USE - Unlike other online-publishing options, you don't have to muck with HTML, CSS, PHP or any other dreaded acronym when you use WordPress.
It's point and click and pretty much dummy proof.
WordPress also lets you easily edit things, as well as lets you preview your changes beforehand to see how it will look.
ABUNDANCE OF TUTORIALS - You only have to know the bare bones to get up and running with WordPress.
Any other skill you want to learn is easily found in the array of video and written tutorials that abound on the web.
Just search for "WordPress tutorial" + "your problem" and you are sure to find many tutorials addressing your issue.
COMMUNITY - Another great resource, WordPress.
org has a wonderful community that can help you if you find you're struggling with a certain problem that you just can't overcome.
From the existing content in the community forum, to the ability to post new questions and get expert responses, the WordPress community is active and eager to help.
EXTENDABILITY - WordPress lets you expand its capabilities beyond just publishing content by way of plugins.
These are additions that you download and activate on your site that let you do things like block spam, optimize your site for SEO, detect bad behavior, check for broken links, and limit login attempts.
There are over 23,000 plugins available to help you expand the capabilities of your WordPress site.
These are just a few reasons why WordPress is the go-to platform to publish your content online.