Do You Have an Accident Injury Claim?
Although that seems crystal clear, the fact is that many people fail to make an accident injury claim, yet alone receive the compensation which they are due.
Why is that? Some of the reasons why the victims of accidents fail to seek redress are because they:
- do not know how to go about making a claim;
- think that any attempt to win compensation will itself be an expensive process;
- are uncertain whether a claim can be made for the particular kind of injury that has been sustained.
Typically, of course, these will be lawyers and other legally trained and qualified experts in this field of law.
Armed with all the relevant details about the circumstances of your accident, professionals such as these:
- are, typically, entirely familiar with the processes involved in making a claim for compensation on your behalf;
- may in some cases agree to act for you on a "no win, no fee" basis.
What this kind of agreement means is that, if your claim is successful, you will win the whole of any compensation that is awarded, since, in most cases, your success will also be accompanied by an order that the liable party also pays your legal fees.
Although typically you will not be billed by your own solicitors if your claim fails - you do not "win" - but you could still be ordered to pay the other side's legal costs.
In order to protect yourself against such an event, you will typically be asked to pay a modest insurance premium to cover against such an event; - as for the types of accident that could give rise to a successful accident injury claim, the list is perhaps even longer than you might have thought.
To some of the most common types of claim, such as those following road traffic accidents or injuries at work, for example, it is possible to add public liability claims, compensation for injuries in supermarkets, criminal injuries compensation and many more.