Is It Okay Not to Cover Your Swimming Pool?
- Sunlight penetrates the solar cover and then bounces off the pool bottom. Due to a reflective material on the underside of the cover, the heat from the trapped light below the surface cannot escape and warms the pool water. Solar covers come in all pool sizes and in different grades as well. The better the grade is, the longer the life expectancy. Both in-ground and above-ground pools can use these green heating solutions. A solar reel system allows the cover to roll onto a spindle for storage while swimming is taking place. If stored on the grass or surrounding decking, foreign matter may cling to it and enter the pool when replacing the cover over the pool. Solar covers do provide heat and simultaneously keep flying insects and wind-blown debris from entering the pool. Careful removal of the cover ensures that this trapped material does not enter during the removal process.
- People either with in-ground or above-grounds pools use this concept. Instead of using a full solar cover, these floating circular solar discs are used. They act as an insulator, trapping solar heat, which warms the pool water. They come in colorful variations and are an attractive addition to the pool. Each disc must be gathered and removed from the pool while swimming takes place to be out of the way. Storage on a clean surface during that time ensures that no grass or debris enters the pool, similar to the solar cover scenario. Airborne pollen or seedlings as well as leaves can enter the pool under normal conditions, however, by falling into the open surfaces areas between the discs.
- This form of covering is actually designed like a fisherman's net and is used in the fall to catch falling leaves before they enter the pool. The inherent problem with this system is human nature, which has a tendency to forget to remove the leaves from the netting. These leaves decompose and fall through the net openings, providing the pool with a food source for algae and a mess for the pool owner to clean up. If used by itself during the winter, it allows snow to enter the remaining pool water and overflow the sides, causing possible icing conditions on the pool or decking surfaces. Winterizing chemicals used can be lost with these overflows.
- Most pool owners purchase a winter cover for their pools. The idea behind them is to maintain the winterized pool water in a clean environment free from leaves and debris. These oversized covers are designed to fit around the outer perimeter of above-ground pools and attach to anchors embedded in the deck around in-ground pools, and keep all debris out of the pool, if installed correctly. They require the placement of a number of inflatable items underneath them, in the center of the pool, which creates a sloping surface toward the perimeter. All water in the forms of rain and melted snow accumulates at the base of the slope and when removed by a suction pump, relieves excess weight from the cover.
- These are covers that fit over in-ground pools and can be used year round if so desired. The concept of the safety cover is that it protects against anyone falling into the pool and drowning. It safeguards both humans and animals through its durable surface that is over-engineered to endure extreme weights to this end. In-ground pool owners can have peace of mind when using a safety cover and should be a standard part of an in-ground pool's inventory.
Solar Cover
Solar Floaters
Leaf Nets
Winter Covers
Safety Covers