Why Procrastinating Won"t Fix Marriage Trouble
I waited and hoped and wished that they would either correct themselves or just go away.
Unfortunately, my procrastination didn't make my problems any easier to deal with but made matters more difficult.
Marriage trouble is like a little hole in a dam that if not dealt with properly and timely become bigger and bigger.
Before you know it the damage is so great that it's much more difficult to fix the problem.
I felt probably just like you are feeling now.
Nervous and tip toeing around issues hoping that they never come up right! Who wants to deal with issues that stir up anger and resentment and frustrations? Who wants to get into a shouting match where you bring up hurtful stuff which results in not talking for days or a week? I remember when we didn't say a word to each other for a week early in our marriage and had no problem doing so.
It got easier as time went on to avoid trouble and each other until one day a light bulb went off and we realized that if we continued to avoid our marriage trouble and problems we would probably end up divorced.
I don't want you to go through the painful experience I did or continue to avoid fixing your marriage trouble and end up divorced.
I know you want to have a happy and healthy marriage.
You just need to learn how to plug the holes in your marriage before the trouble gets out of hand.
It may be little problems or big ones you need to repair.
Just know that no trouble or at least very few problems that are beyond fixing.
You need to simply put in place a structure to discuss and resolve your marriage troubles and fix probably the biggest one which is trust.
- Schedule time to discuss the troubles that need fixing.
- Set up some rules regarding mannerism, listening, respecting or ideas, feelings etc.
- Agree to look forward and not dwell on the marriage troubles of the past.
Once you fix a problem, there will be no looking back except to remind you what happens when you don't do the right thing. - Begin to trust one another and take steps to show that despite past marriage problems your goal, desire and plan is to move forward and have better marriage and relationship.
Suspensions and mind reading and assumptions need to be tossed aside.
Being open and honest will be the best tool to use as you fix your marriage troubles.
Whatever, you do don't give up on your marriage.
You can do it.
I'm not saying it will be easy but I'm saying it will be worth it.
You will one day look back and smile thinking about how you were able to overcome and fix your marriage trouble.
I also want to let you know about a marriage resource I came across that might give you some other tips to get fix marriage trouble.