The Psychological Disadvantages Which Completely Get in the Way of Pulling Your Ex Back!

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At this very moment, you are at a disadvantage, because your ex has just broken away from you.
He/she doesn't feel you are a suitable match, and thinks things would never work out between you two.
This is a huge disadvantage to what you want, but what's even worse, is that there are a few psychological disadvantages in the way of getting your ex back.
Read on to find out how these psychological disadvantages can completely get in the way of pulling your ex back: Your thoughts can be your friend, but also your enemy Right now, you are having so many thoughts run through your head, and I guarantee that most of them are not really great ones.
For instance, you may be afraid that you are going to lose your ex, and you are wondering if they are going to date again.
You may be thinking that he/she was wrong to break up with you, and you are thinking about all of the things you could have done differently.
In the end, these constant negative thoughts circulate around in your mind, and eventually go into your subconscious.
If you are not aware of it yet, your subconscious affects almost all of your actions.
It affects what you say, how you say it, and even how you feel.
That is also why you can find yourself always feeling bad around certain people, and even certain kinds of people.
Good thoughts and bad thoughts Your subconscious gets an idea, and holds onto it.
Then when someone reminds you of this feeling, you instantly feel bad.
That is why it is very important to start bringing your thoughts into a more positive light, otherwise you may end up causing yourself to act out in the wrong way around your ex.
Ever heard the saying that goes something like this, "watch your thoughts, because they become actions"? This is especially true when it comes to things we are emotionally driven for, which in this case is your ex.
Emotions can drive you to really feel great or feel really bad, but your thoughts have a lot to do with it.
As long as you are constantly thinking badly about the situation, you will forever be putting yourself at a psychological disadvantage, because this will affect your actions.
This may also mean that you don't take action at all.
You may become so depressed through thinking the same thing over and over, that you finally just lose hope and stop seeing your friends and family, and literally stop your entire life.
This psychological disadvantage can be turned around So the psychological disadvantage is mainly your thoughts and feelings in the moment.
The most easy way to do this is to really try hard to ignore your emotions right now, and spend time logically thinking through things.
Rewind time and look back at the breakup and pin point the exact reasons why it occurred.
You will feel a lot better, once you actually have an understanding of where your ex is coming from, and why you grew apart in the first place.
As well, once you understand this, you can logically work on ways to pull your ex back.
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