Divorce Attorney: The Structure and Marketing of the Firm
This article will attempt to present a way of thinking about the structure of the divorce attorney law firm. While obviously the most important thing in a practice is the actual practice of law, it can be important and sometimes beneficial to think about the end of it that actually requires the lawyer to think about how they would like to practice in the larger picture. There are several types of different firms out there, but perhaps the only one that really meets the needs of a divorce attorney are the smaller ones.
There are some interesting ways that some law firms are structured. On the one hand, there are very large firms that cater primarily to insurance defense companies, large corporations, and industries with huge and ongoing litigation needs. These types of firms often put teams together to work on not just cases but areas of the law and areas of businesses to represent. The other type of firm, in some ways, does the opposite. This type of firm has one or maybe just a very small team of two or three to work on a case, a particular client or a particular practice area.
These smaller firms can be structured as just even a solo practitioner or a large group of attorneys practicing together. For divorce attorney, this latter option presents perhaps a better opportunity for that type of professional structure for their practice and to serve clients. This is because it is not always the case that a particular client will require more than one or two at the most three attorneys working on their issues and trying to resolve their legal matters.
So, because you will likely be practicing as a divorce attorney in a small form such that each lawyer will likely be responsible for a client by themselves without needing a large group to assist them it can be beneficial if the other lawyers in your firm are practicing different forms of law. This is because it allows you to be able to get clients from referrals much better. This is because if one of the other lawyers has done a particularly good job and clients feel as if they trust the firm perhaps they would be willing to return if they have a different legal needs and it is in one of the firm's practice areas. Also, it can allow the divorce attorney and the lawyers practicing the other forms of law to collectively advertise the firm with the hope that the prospective clients or at least have some legal need that the law firm may be able to provide legal assistance with.
By doing this, this could provide a competitive advantage for the firm in general and the divorce attorney in particular. By pooling resources the hope would be that not only could the various lawyers help each other with their legal needs but also they would be more efficient in how they function as a whole. Obviously, it is important to do in practice how you think best, but hopefully this has been a least exposure to a different way to structure your firm.
Will Beaumont is a lawyer in New Orleans. The above is not legal advice; rather it is just information.
There are some interesting ways that some law firms are structured. On the one hand, there are very large firms that cater primarily to insurance defense companies, large corporations, and industries with huge and ongoing litigation needs. These types of firms often put teams together to work on not just cases but areas of the law and areas of businesses to represent. The other type of firm, in some ways, does the opposite. This type of firm has one or maybe just a very small team of two or three to work on a case, a particular client or a particular practice area.
These smaller firms can be structured as just even a solo practitioner or a large group of attorneys practicing together. For divorce attorney, this latter option presents perhaps a better opportunity for that type of professional structure for their practice and to serve clients. This is because it is not always the case that a particular client will require more than one or two at the most three attorneys working on their issues and trying to resolve their legal matters.
So, because you will likely be practicing as a divorce attorney in a small form such that each lawyer will likely be responsible for a client by themselves without needing a large group to assist them it can be beneficial if the other lawyers in your firm are practicing different forms of law. This is because it allows you to be able to get clients from referrals much better. This is because if one of the other lawyers has done a particularly good job and clients feel as if they trust the firm perhaps they would be willing to return if they have a different legal needs and it is in one of the firm's practice areas. Also, it can allow the divorce attorney and the lawyers practicing the other forms of law to collectively advertise the firm with the hope that the prospective clients or at least have some legal need that the law firm may be able to provide legal assistance with.
By doing this, this could provide a competitive advantage for the firm in general and the divorce attorney in particular. By pooling resources the hope would be that not only could the various lawyers help each other with their legal needs but also they would be more efficient in how they function as a whole. Obviously, it is important to do in practice how you think best, but hopefully this has been a least exposure to a different way to structure your firm.
Will Beaumont is a lawyer in New Orleans. The above is not legal advice; rather it is just information.