Common Baby Skin Conditions
Due to their sensitive skin, newborns are at very high risk for these conditions.
They may turn into serious conditions quickly and therefore must be treated promptly and effectively as soon as they are diagnosed.
The following are common problems involving a newborn's skin.
It is important for every family to be aware of the presence of these conditions.
Baby acne is very common and will often clear up quickly.
Birthmarks are a more permanent condition that are a natural result of childbirth.
Diaper rashes and yeast based diaper rashes will cause more severe and painful conditions if they are not treated quickly.
Eczema is a skin problem resembling silver scales.
It can be itchy and difficult to treat.
This condition will also occur in adults.
Allergic reactions can be the source of skin problems in babies.
Like many conditions, hives can be more serious in newborns.
They can occur through eating foods with which they have an intolerance.
Certain prescription drugs and contact with metals or other materials may also be an irritant.
There are dozens of other skin conditions reported in newborns.
Measles can present serious risks.
Moles are common, but luckily rarely present serious problems.
Psoriasis is a condition causing raised red lesions that may have a burning and itching sensation.
And these problems are just the tip of the iceberg.
If serious skin problems were caused by the negligence of a medical professional, a malpractice lawsuit may be filed against the responsible party.
Compensation for financial losses and emotional pain and suffering may be awarded.