Prescription Male Enhancement Drugs - How Do They Work?

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Are you having problems in getting your penis hard? Are you having a difficult time in keeping it up? Is your partner already complaining about your performance in bed? Are you losing your sexual appetite? Have you lost your confidence when it comes to having sex? If you answered yes to these questions then it is probably best that you consider taking prescription male enhancement drugs to keep your sexual appetite and sexual performance robust and full of vitality.
But of course, you do not just get prescription male enhancement drugs over the counter.
You need the approval of your doctor first just to make sure that you are safe from the possible harmful side effects of these male enhancement meds.
Without question, Viagra is one of the most popular prescription male enhancement drugs in the market.
It was the first approved pill in the United States to solve the problems of men who can no longer get their penises up when it was approved by the Food and Drug Administration on March of 1998.
Since then, a number of men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction have considered it as their savior from frustrating performances in bed.
In fact, according to Pfizer, the drug's manufacturer, three million tablets of Viagra are sold every year.
To put it simply, Viagra blocks the phosphodiesterase, an enzyme that stops the penis' ability to get hard.
When the phosphodiesterase are already dealt with by Viagra, the cyclic guanosine monophosphate can now help you get an erection.
So when you get a sexual stimulation, this chemical prompts the arteries and the veins of the penis to become narrow.
When they become narrow, more blood enters in the penis compared to the ones that exit it.
This gives you not just an erection, but a quality erection.
Aside from treating erectile dysfunction, Viagra can also help men go through other medical conditions such as heart disease, prostate problem and diabetes, among others.
Head ache, upset stomach and facial flushing are just some of the possible side effects that this prescription male drug can bring about.
Consuming Viagra may be dangerous for those who are taking nitrates.
Men, who are older than 65, are advised by their doctors to take smaller amounts of Viagra.
Because of this prescription male enhancement drug's popularity, many counterfeits have also come out.
You should beware of fake Viagra to make sure that you are safe as you use it.
Another popular prescription male enhancement drug is Cialis.
It was approved by the Food and Drugs Administration in 2003, and has since then become an able competitor to the more popular Viagra.
It prides itself in giving men who are suffering from erectile dysfunction in 36 hours.
Cialis works in the same way-Viagra does.
It blocks the phosphodiesterase to give you an erection.
This prescription male enhancement medicine, however, promises to give you a longer erection than its competitors do.
Some of the side effects you may experience upon taking Cialis are indigestion, head ache, facial flushing, runny nose and pain in the muscles.
It is important to get your doctor's prescription before you use this drug to make sure that you are not in danger of getting major complications once you take Cialis.
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