Why You Should Publish an E-Newsletter
One of the most efficient and effective ways to continually present your company, its positive qualities and its products and services to current and potential clients is to publish an e-newsletter -- a publication that you distribute regularly via email.
In today's fast-paced world of Internet marketing and knowledge distribution, your clients demand information that is convenient to access, timely and easy to understand.
They want vital business and technology news delivered directly to their desktops.
Your reader's should benefit from your publication's content.
They should look forward to receiving it.
That's why your newsletter's key purpose should be to provide useful and current information, not to deliver a sales pitch You benefit because in addition to communicating regularly with an established and receptive audience, your publication enables you to grow a mailing list of potential clients.
In addition to communicating with your current clients and other contacts, you can build your mailing list by offering every visitor to your company's website a free subscription to your publication.
By posting a prominent sign-up message on your website's homepage, you can request visitors to add their name and email address to the list.
You can encourage them to sign-up by offering an extra free benefit such as an informative report, survey or brochure.
Another way to build your mailing list is to use information from your publication to create articles for distribution via sites such as EzineArticles, Article Dashboard and Article Base.
In the "resource box" located at the end of each article, invite readers to visit your website where they can sign up to receive your newsletter.
By communicating regularly with current and potential clients, you add transparency and a personality to your company.
You strengthen your brand and provide information that makes doing business with you as attractive as possible to your most desirable clients and markets.
You provide a means for your readers to ask questions and communicate with you directly.
In today's business climate, it is vital that information flows freely between companies and their clients.
Gathering and responding to client feedback is vital to your ability to develop new products and improve your services.
It enables you to stay abreast of potentially damaging or disruptive information about your organization and to maintain a proactive public relations program.
Publishing an e-newsletter, in addition to producing a company blog and participating in social media outlets such as Linked-In, will keep your organization in touch with your current clients while expanding potential markets.
In today's fast-paced world of Internet marketing and knowledge distribution, your clients demand information that is convenient to access, timely and easy to understand.
They want vital business and technology news delivered directly to their desktops.
Your reader's should benefit from your publication's content.
They should look forward to receiving it.
That's why your newsletter's key purpose should be to provide useful and current information, not to deliver a sales pitch You benefit because in addition to communicating regularly with an established and receptive audience, your publication enables you to grow a mailing list of potential clients.
In addition to communicating with your current clients and other contacts, you can build your mailing list by offering every visitor to your company's website a free subscription to your publication.
By posting a prominent sign-up message on your website's homepage, you can request visitors to add their name and email address to the list.
You can encourage them to sign-up by offering an extra free benefit such as an informative report, survey or brochure.
Another way to build your mailing list is to use information from your publication to create articles for distribution via sites such as EzineArticles, Article Dashboard and Article Base.
In the "resource box" located at the end of each article, invite readers to visit your website where they can sign up to receive your newsletter.
By communicating regularly with current and potential clients, you add transparency and a personality to your company.
You strengthen your brand and provide information that makes doing business with you as attractive as possible to your most desirable clients and markets.
You provide a means for your readers to ask questions and communicate with you directly.
In today's business climate, it is vital that information flows freely between companies and their clients.
Gathering and responding to client feedback is vital to your ability to develop new products and improve your services.
It enables you to stay abreast of potentially damaging or disruptive information about your organization and to maintain a proactive public relations program.
Publishing an e-newsletter, in addition to producing a company blog and participating in social media outlets such as Linked-In, will keep your organization in touch with your current clients while expanding potential markets.