Interior Design Can Change Your Home
According to most television and online adverts, buying houses is about as important as eating, drinking, and sleeping (and before I forget, breathing). It is constantly shoved down our throats how implicit it is that we climb the housing ladder, and as if that isnt enough, how our mortgages will dictate our lives for thousands of years to come. What most of these adverts fail to mention however, is the vast number of painstakingly time consuming, expensive and laborious tasks that come AFTER a house is purchased.
I dont know what it is about buying a house, but 11 times out of 10, the previous owner will have had the interior design tastes of an aged schoolteacher (no doubt with an unhealthy taste in frilly net curtains and paisley carpets). The biggest pitfall when buying a house is not settling mortgages, sorting out legalities or even hiring legitimate removal men; it is transforming the place from a serial killers paradise into an almost comfortable home.
The different levels of interior design can obviously change within each household, some will take to uprooting everything and starting from scratch, and others will simply insert some window blinds, dust off the doorknobs and re-paint the back door. Whatever your process of sprucing up your ideal abode is however, it will undoubtedly result in a few weeks worth of meticulous and infuriating hassle.
As interior design tips go, stating that a mans idea of a good pad and a womans idea of a pleasant home differ is an understatement. As much as the revolving office from Thunderbirds may have looked cool back in 1969, having to walk into a pure mahogany lounge with rotating chairs and flashing lights is not as magical just before work first thing on a Monday morning. Basically, as a start, when decorating a new home, ditching the net curtains is a must, and as home decorations should be comfortable and pleasing to the eye, window roller blinds are highly advised (especially for those smaller windows found in bathrooms or skylights). Of course there are many other factors to take into consideration here, but allowing sufficient light into rooms and having aesthetically pleasing and simple to operate alternatives to heavy curtains is a highly recommended addition.
Window blinds differ depending on their manufacture, some appear homely where others can be far more robust, and it is down to each homeowner as to whatever design or style they go for. Vertical blinds for example can be manufactured out of wood, giving them a rustic feeling for a kitchen or study, whereas canvas roller blinds are perfect for bedrooms or living areas. Of course installing a few blinds on the windows of a house will hardly sort out all of its troubles, but it is at least a start and a step in the right direction. Designing the interior of a new home should never really be a chore, but it is the little things that can often make the biggest differences.
I dont know what it is about buying a house, but 11 times out of 10, the previous owner will have had the interior design tastes of an aged schoolteacher (no doubt with an unhealthy taste in frilly net curtains and paisley carpets). The biggest pitfall when buying a house is not settling mortgages, sorting out legalities or even hiring legitimate removal men; it is transforming the place from a serial killers paradise into an almost comfortable home.
The different levels of interior design can obviously change within each household, some will take to uprooting everything and starting from scratch, and others will simply insert some window blinds, dust off the doorknobs and re-paint the back door. Whatever your process of sprucing up your ideal abode is however, it will undoubtedly result in a few weeks worth of meticulous and infuriating hassle.
As interior design tips go, stating that a mans idea of a good pad and a womans idea of a pleasant home differ is an understatement. As much as the revolving office from Thunderbirds may have looked cool back in 1969, having to walk into a pure mahogany lounge with rotating chairs and flashing lights is not as magical just before work first thing on a Monday morning. Basically, as a start, when decorating a new home, ditching the net curtains is a must, and as home decorations should be comfortable and pleasing to the eye, window roller blinds are highly advised (especially for those smaller windows found in bathrooms or skylights). Of course there are many other factors to take into consideration here, but allowing sufficient light into rooms and having aesthetically pleasing and simple to operate alternatives to heavy curtains is a highly recommended addition.
Window blinds differ depending on their manufacture, some appear homely where others can be far more robust, and it is down to each homeowner as to whatever design or style they go for. Vertical blinds for example can be manufactured out of wood, giving them a rustic feeling for a kitchen or study, whereas canvas roller blinds are perfect for bedrooms or living areas. Of course installing a few blinds on the windows of a house will hardly sort out all of its troubles, but it is at least a start and a step in the right direction. Designing the interior of a new home should never really be a chore, but it is the little things that can often make the biggest differences.