How to Stretch for Tennis Elbow
- 1). Extend your elbow, but do not flex. Hold for 20 to 30 seconds and bring back to normal. Repeat the process another five to 10 times, twice a day.
- 2). Straighten one arm fully out. Use your opposite hand to gently push against the back of the extended hand. Gently push until you can feel a stretching sensation across the top of your forearm. Hold for 15 to 20 seconds and release. Repeat another two to three times.
- 3). Raise your arm and straighten your elbow with the palm of your hand facing down. Use the fingers of your opposite hand to grasp the fingers of your extended hands. Gently and slowly pull your hand up and back towards you, stopping when you feel a stretching sensation on the palm side of your forearm and wrist. Hold this position for 20 to 30 seconds without bouncing the arm and release. Repeat two to three times.
- 4). Extend your arm so that the palm of your hand is facing up. Take your opposite hand and clasp the upward facing palm. Gently push the palm downward until you can feel the stretch like a gentle pull. Hold the stretch for 15 to 20 seconds without bouncing before releasing and repeating another two to three times.
- 5). According to the American Academy of Family Physicians, performing finger stretches with a rubber band is another form of stretching tennis elbow. On the arm with the tennis elbow, put a rubber band around the fingers and thumb of that hand. Slowly spread your fingers so that they are open and apart, and then slowly bring them together again. Do three sets of 10 repetitions, relaxing for one minute between each set of stretches. Repeat this exercise one to two times daily.