How to Draw a Punk Teenager
- 1). Use simple shapes to start building out the basic human outline. An oval is a good shape to use for the head, and rectangles for the torso, legs and arms. The feet can just be drawn in as short rectangles. Draw hands first as a mitten shape and then add lines vertically to give the effect of fingers.
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Pants, a leather jacket and chunky boots are pretty standard to creating a punk outfit.Photodisc/Photodisc/Getty Images
Depending on whether your teenager is a boy or girl, you will have different options for clothing. A leather jacket is good for either. To draw this, start with straight lines around the arms and around the body. Create a collar at the neck with a long triangular shape on either side and meet at a point toward the bottom front of the jacket. Pants can be drawn as straight lines around the legs. Big chunky boots can be drawn in blocky shapes. For girls, a short skirt which is like a square or rectangle can be drawn from the hips to the top of the thigh. - 3
The mohawk is unmistakably Images
Fill in the details. This is where the drawing will start to look punk. Choose a punk hairstyle like a mohawk. Piercings and metal jewelry can be added to look punk. An easy one to draw is the spiked bracelet. Draw two lines along the wrist to look like a wrist band. Now add triangles all along the bracelet for the spikes. Add pins onto the jacket. Add spikes to the shoulders of the jacket. You can easily add a plaid pattern to the pants or skirt by drawing vertical lines evenly and then drawing horizontal lines across evenly. - 4
This hair style is undeniably punk.Ryan McVay/Photodisc/Getty Images
Add color to make your character look more punk. Wild hair colors are a signature punk look.