How to Do Freemasonry Hand Signs
- 1). Stand straight and raise your right arm. Bend your arm at the elbow and hold your right hand under your chin.
- 2). Move your hand back and forth under your chin repeatedly.
- 3). Drop your arm to your side. This hand signal represents having your throat slit and your tongue cut out.
- 1). Hold your right arm across your chest.
- 2). Cup your right hand and place it over the left side of your chest.
- 3). Bring your right arm, with your hand still cupped, sharply across your body.
- 4). Drop your arm to your side. This signal represents having your heart ripped out if you betray your fellow craft.
- 1). Stand straight and raise your right arm to waist height.
- 2). Keep you hand flat, palm facing down, and extend your thumb out toward your body.
- 3). Pull your hand quickly across your body until you reach your right hip.
- 4). Drop your hand to your side. This signal represents having your body cut in two as a penalty for betraying your Masonic duties.
Sign of the Entered Apprentice
Sign of a Fellow Craft
Sign of a Master Mason