Good Sources of Fluorine-Free Water
- Aquifers are described by the U.S. Geologic Survey as an area deep beneath the ground that is saturated with water, so much so that it becomes a source of water for inhabitants above ground. Artesian water sources below the ground are tapped for a water supply. Artesian water is found several feet above the aquifer, in a large pocket formed below ground. This water is fluoridated by municipal water systems before it is distributed to the population using the municipal water system. However, it comes out of the ground fluorine-free. Artesian water can sometimes be found in the form of commercially bottled water. Check the bottle's label for further information.
- Rural homes get their water from aquifers through wells. That makes well water another source of fluorine free water. Wells are created by digging, drilling or driving a pipe into the ground to create a hole into the aquifer. The walls of the hole are lined in cement to prevent the well from collapsing. Water fills the well from the aquifer and is pumped out into the home's water system. Such a water source may be free of fluorine, but usually contains other minerals that cause what is known as "hard water".
- Water from fresh water sources such as creeks, rivers, reservoirs, lakes and springs are free of fluorine before they enter the municipal water system. A beverage company might tap one of these sources for bottled water, but individual homes cannot use them as a primary water source without some complications.
- Some residents of the municipal water system use filters to remove impurities from the water, which includes a large amount of the fluoride additives. According to the CDC, the only way to remove fluoride from your water is through a distillary filtration system or a reverse osmosis system. A distillation system heats the water and collects the vapor that is free of fluorine. The CDC recommends looking for a reverse osmosis filtration system with a National Sanitation Foundation (NSF) Standard 58. This signifies a system capable of removing up to 80 percent of the fluoride in the home water system.
Artesian Water
Well Water
Surface Water
Filtered Water