Get Your Ex Back With Reverse Psychology
Things could not have been better.
Then out of the blue you hear "we need to talk".
And after you listen, too tongue-tied to talk, you are left alone trying to make sense of what just happened.
Now instead of enjoying life all you can think about is how can I get my ex back.
The first thing you must do is step back from the emotional turmoil this is creating in your life and look at the situation in a detached way.
Yeah, I know that is difficult to do, but you must remove the emotion from the next step.
Doing this will greatly help in getting your ex back.
Then, analyze your relationship.
Was it really all strawberries and cream or did you miss warning signs that things were not quite right? Had life with your ex become predictable? Every new relationship burns hot at the beginning.
Every hour apart seems endless and you cannot wait to be together.
Did you lose that feeling? When you finish analyzing what went wrong, you then can move on to the most important question that must be answered.
Do I really want to get my ex back? Perhaps the relationship did run its course and the best thing for you is to move on.
However, if love truly existed and still exists, the relationship can be repaired.
Thousands of couples break up and then get back together every year.
You can be part of that statistic if you develop an plan and then work hard at making that plan succeed.
So what is the plan? Well, that will depend upon you.
The absolute first thing you must do, and if you don't your chance of success goes way down, is to break off all contact with your ex.
I bet you have not done that have you? This means no emails, texting, phone calls, postcards or "accidentally" running into them.
Remember they broke off the relationship and each time you contact them they are reminded of that.
That may trigger feelings of guilt on their part.
Guilt is negative.
Negative feelings will not help restore a positive relationship.
Secondly, they may see your actions as a weakness on your part.
Again, weakness is a negative.
So you ask, what is the positive in the no contact approach? This is where the reverse psychology comes in.
Your ex will start to wonder why you are not contacting them.
Nagging questions will start running through their mind.
They will wonder what you are up to.
Why haven't you called recently? Have you found someone else? They may start to question whether it was smart to break up with you.
They will remember how much they enjoyed your companionship and why they first fell in love with you.
Those positive feelings will lay the groundwork for restoring your relationship.
Now you are ready to devise a plan to get your ex back.
So how do you do that? Research.
Find out what is the best approach to winning back that special someone.
Your approach should be based on what people in your situation have done to restore their relationship.
The internet is a wonderful resource.
You can find numerous sources for help in getting your ex back.
Download one, formulate your plan and get your ex back.