How to Eliminate Static Cling
- 1). Dampen a used fabric softener sheet with water and rub it on your hosiery.
- 2). Work a small amount of hand lotion on your hands then rub your hands on your pantyhose. This method eliminates static cling on skirts.
- 3). Use a wire hanger to end static cling on garments by moving it back and forth on material. Squeeze or undo a hanger to better reach inside pant legs and rub the hanger under a shirt, dress or skirt.
- 4). Buy an anti-static spray like Static Guard from a supermarket or drug store to spray on clothing, hats, combs or brushes. This rids static charged hair and clinging outerwear. Read directions for proper usage on various materials.
- 5). Pour a cap of liquid fabric softener in the rinse cycle to get rid of electric charges on clothing.
- 6). Purchase dryer or fabric softener sheets to go with each load of laundry. These smell nice while removing the electric charge.
- 7). Measure 1/4 cup of vinegar, then add to the washer's rinse cycle.