What Is an ASX File?
- ASX files contain references to audio-video files, usually ASF files. They are typically used for online media streaming, and so contain the URLs of files uploaded to a website. An ASX file may contain a reference to one audio-video file, or several references organized into a media playlist. You can play ASX files in Windows Media Player, Winamp, Roxio Creator, GRETECH GOM Player or VLC media player.
- The ASF files that ASX files usually reference are stored in the Advanced Systems Format, which Microsoft developed for audio and video streaming. ASF files frequently contain WMA or WMV files -- Windows Media Audio and Windows Media Video, respectively. They may also contain additional data such as the artist or copyright; this is called metadata. If the ASF file or other audio-video file the ASX references is missing, the ASX file cannot play.
- An ASX file may alternatively be a temporary index file for Alpha Five, a database program for building applications for websites and mobile devices. This file stores indexing information about a database query. You can delete these temporary files without causing any harm or losing any essential information.
- The ASX extension may instead indicate a script file. ASX files for the ActiveSite Web Portal Engine are extensions that run as noncompiled script. The extension ASX was also used for script files for Cheyenne Backup, a program for Windows 95.
Microsoft ASF Redirector File
ASF Files
Alpha Five Temporary Index
Script Files