Oxymetholone (Anapolon) Profile
* The anabolic activity – 320% of testosterone * Androgens activities – 45% of testosterone * Aromatization (estrogen conversion) – No * Liver toxicity – moderate * Receive Mode – inside (tablets) * Duration – 15 hours * The detection time – up to 8 weeks Oxymetholone (Anapolon) is an oral drug with a dosage of 50mg per tablet. It is the strongest oral steroid on the market. It has both high androgenic and anabolic effects. Strength and weight gains are very significant. It is highly toxic to the liver. Oxymetholone (Anapolon) also aromatizes fairly easily.
Oxymetholone has been reported to produce gynecomastia in users (not all probably around 50%). An anti-estrogen should be used to counteract the aromatization. Nolvadex is a suggested anti-estrogen. Beginners can to gain 20 to 30 pounds (12 -15kg) of mass less than into 6 weeks,with only one or two tablets daily. Reason is high water retention which can have both,positive and negative side. Positive is a higher level of strength and power because lot of water in muscles and joints which can prevent injury too. Negative can be lost of body definition and high blood pressure. Average dose is 1-4 tablets daily for at least 6 weeks if used alone. Those looking to cycle with Oxymetholone (Anapolon) will typically use it the first 3-6wks of a cycle that also includes an injectable form of Testosterone. For even more superior mass gains, bodybuilders may choose to add another injectable such as Deca or Tren to the cycle. In these cases, mass and strength gains are sure to be nothing less than dramatic.
Oxymetholone (Anapolon) will shut down the body's ability to produce testosterone naturally, therefore making a PCT regime crucial upon discontinued use. As this drugs anabolic properties are so extreme, so are it's androgenic side effects. Due to the strength of these side effects, Anapolon should never be used by women. For starters, oxymetholone will easily convert to estrogen and DHT. As stated earlier water retention will be present, along with an increase in blood pressure. Kidney functions may also need to be looked after during longer use. Hair loss has also been reported among users with a predisposition for male-pattern baldness. Unlike Dianabol (another popular 17aa oral) which is effective in doses of as little as 15mg, Anapolon users generally start with 50mg/day and often lead up to 150mg/day. So when a user takes 3 Anapolon tablets, his liver is processing roughly the equivalent of 30 Dianabol tablets. This obviously is quite a lot of 17aa steroid for your liver to process, so it is pertinent a user has his liver enzymes checked regularly with a doctor.
Anabolic steroids as Oxymetholone (Anapolon) today are available online from official manufacturers at http://www.rxheads.com/generic-supplements-labs-c537/oxymetholone-anapolon-p2899
Oxymetholone has been reported to produce gynecomastia in users (not all probably around 50%). An anti-estrogen should be used to counteract the aromatization. Nolvadex is a suggested anti-estrogen. Beginners can to gain 20 to 30 pounds (12 -15kg) of mass less than into 6 weeks,with only one or two tablets daily. Reason is high water retention which can have both,positive and negative side. Positive is a higher level of strength and power because lot of water in muscles and joints which can prevent injury too. Negative can be lost of body definition and high blood pressure. Average dose is 1-4 tablets daily for at least 6 weeks if used alone. Those looking to cycle with Oxymetholone (Anapolon) will typically use it the first 3-6wks of a cycle that also includes an injectable form of Testosterone. For even more superior mass gains, bodybuilders may choose to add another injectable such as Deca or Tren to the cycle. In these cases, mass and strength gains are sure to be nothing less than dramatic.
Oxymetholone (Anapolon) will shut down the body's ability to produce testosterone naturally, therefore making a PCT regime crucial upon discontinued use. As this drugs anabolic properties are so extreme, so are it's androgenic side effects. Due to the strength of these side effects, Anapolon should never be used by women. For starters, oxymetholone will easily convert to estrogen and DHT. As stated earlier water retention will be present, along with an increase in blood pressure. Kidney functions may also need to be looked after during longer use. Hair loss has also been reported among users with a predisposition for male-pattern baldness. Unlike Dianabol (another popular 17aa oral) which is effective in doses of as little as 15mg, Anapolon users generally start with 50mg/day and often lead up to 150mg/day. So when a user takes 3 Anapolon tablets, his liver is processing roughly the equivalent of 30 Dianabol tablets. This obviously is quite a lot of 17aa steroid for your liver to process, so it is pertinent a user has his liver enzymes checked regularly with a doctor.
Anabolic steroids as Oxymetholone (Anapolon) today are available online from official manufacturers at http://www.rxheads.com/generic-supplements-labs-c537/oxymetholone-anapolon-p2899