Get Healthy Cravings With Help From Ancient China"s Sage Wisdom!
With a well developing practice of Qigong that is internal, one begins making inside their own body a craving for many nutritives that you require.
Your own cells begin to 'demand' a healthy input of enzyme filled food.
More often you are able to let go of cravings for foods that deplete you.
It doesn't happen over night but my teacher, Mantak Chia says, "If you do it, you get it! If you don't do it, you don't get it!!!" "Alright", you might ask after hearing the above statements, "so what is it exactly that I have to do to crave healthier foods that Qigong can help me with?" One thing is that you had best get yourself a teacher or at least some DVDs of any kind of Qigong, whether or not they focus upon weight loss and nutritional suggestions toward that aim or just health improvement.
It doesn't matter if you cannot find a specialist.
Qigong, (which means to cultivate life force internal energy), works because it is an ancient system which can offer many pieces of a puzzle that need not be all together at once.
How can thousands of exercises be learned at once? Maybe, in this lifetime you will only learn a few fundamentals.
That's okay.
You will begin with a teacher who trains you to relax no matter what is going on around you in your life.
This teacher will train you to look inwardly at yourself.
Do the following after your first couple of classes.
With the contents of this article stirring you on, you might keep enhancing the intention of changing your cravings for food which is less than healthy.
It doesn't matter what caused you to start this intention going.
Is it words from a doctor or someone you respect or something you have read? Just keep going.
Write that intention in positive language on your bathroom mirror or somewhere else so that you will see it every day.
When you read the suggestion you have written, smile and say, "I can do this!" whether you have taken hold of that realization or you haven't yet.
Do your best to be gentle and loving with yourself and tell yourself that you do indeed love yourself, even if you have struck out in the past.
Today, you look at the statement of intention and smile and say the positive statement you have put in your own words.
Maybe say it a few times.
After you have more than a few classes under your belt, remember one or two things you might have learned in the Qigong class.
Picture yourself doing that one thing without necessarily physically doing anything.
Envision that you are making the move and feeling as relaxed as your teacher.
(Hopefully the teacher you pick is a good role model who is healthy and at the proper weight who inspires from you a bit of emulation.
They need not be perfect!) 5.
Whether or not your teacher is teaching you the following, after you practice feeling calm, aligned and more grounded, which any Qigong is teaching you to feel, smile to your heart and tell your heart that it is beating at the right rate to make your blood pressure easy and calm.
Smile to your lungs, wrap them with white light and tell them they don't have to strain because your entire body, including your skin is breathing.
Learn especially that your BELLY can breath like a well trained singer! 7.
Smile to your stomach and wrap it in a golden yellow light and tell it to only pick the healthiest foods.
Perhaps when you start to pick up a food that you know deep down is tough for you to resist and is not really healthy, that golden light around your stomach squeezes it gently and tells you that you are unable to touch the food that isn't the best choice.
Smile to your liver, wrap it with a green sprout-like light and tell it that it will make the bile that will digest that best foods, and your pancreas will make just the right amount of sugar your body needs without being tempted to touch foods that previously you were challenged to leave alone.
Smile to your kidneys and bladder, wrap them with a blue light and tell them that waste waters flow out of you when you urinate and take out with them the unwanted urges for unhealthy food.
Smile to your small, (red light) and large, (white light,) intestine and tell them they are doing a continually better job of taking in the nutrients you need and releasing the solid waste in the form of big healthy stool, perhaps healthier than you have ever eliminated! 11.
Smile to your reproductive system with a pink light wrap and say you have the energy and power of a sperm that swims to an egg and can make a brand new, healthy self.
You are becoming a new person full of life force energies, little by little and step by step! If you don't know the location of your internal organs, get to know them through buying a simple anatomy book.
Slowly your own internal organs will become better friends than all the food you have ever craved and you will want to protect those organs more and more.
Keep up your practice with your teacher and learn more about Qigong through the internet, magazines and books.
You will have a higher esteem about yourself.
Yes it will take practice and you will be thrilled that you did the wonderful transformation of your self by sticking to this playful way of moving light energy into your own body!
Your own cells begin to 'demand' a healthy input of enzyme filled food.
More often you are able to let go of cravings for foods that deplete you.
It doesn't happen over night but my teacher, Mantak Chia says, "If you do it, you get it! If you don't do it, you don't get it!!!" "Alright", you might ask after hearing the above statements, "so what is it exactly that I have to do to crave healthier foods that Qigong can help me with?" One thing is that you had best get yourself a teacher or at least some DVDs of any kind of Qigong, whether or not they focus upon weight loss and nutritional suggestions toward that aim or just health improvement.
It doesn't matter if you cannot find a specialist.
Qigong, (which means to cultivate life force internal energy), works because it is an ancient system which can offer many pieces of a puzzle that need not be all together at once.
How can thousands of exercises be learned at once? Maybe, in this lifetime you will only learn a few fundamentals.
That's okay.
You will begin with a teacher who trains you to relax no matter what is going on around you in your life.
This teacher will train you to look inwardly at yourself.
Do the following after your first couple of classes.
With the contents of this article stirring you on, you might keep enhancing the intention of changing your cravings for food which is less than healthy.
It doesn't matter what caused you to start this intention going.
Is it words from a doctor or someone you respect or something you have read? Just keep going.
Write that intention in positive language on your bathroom mirror or somewhere else so that you will see it every day.
When you read the suggestion you have written, smile and say, "I can do this!" whether you have taken hold of that realization or you haven't yet.
Do your best to be gentle and loving with yourself and tell yourself that you do indeed love yourself, even if you have struck out in the past.
Today, you look at the statement of intention and smile and say the positive statement you have put in your own words.
Maybe say it a few times.
After you have more than a few classes under your belt, remember one or two things you might have learned in the Qigong class.
Picture yourself doing that one thing without necessarily physically doing anything.
Envision that you are making the move and feeling as relaxed as your teacher.
(Hopefully the teacher you pick is a good role model who is healthy and at the proper weight who inspires from you a bit of emulation.
They need not be perfect!) 5.
Whether or not your teacher is teaching you the following, after you practice feeling calm, aligned and more grounded, which any Qigong is teaching you to feel, smile to your heart and tell your heart that it is beating at the right rate to make your blood pressure easy and calm.
Smile to your lungs, wrap them with white light and tell them they don't have to strain because your entire body, including your skin is breathing.
Learn especially that your BELLY can breath like a well trained singer! 7.
Smile to your stomach and wrap it in a golden yellow light and tell it to only pick the healthiest foods.
Perhaps when you start to pick up a food that you know deep down is tough for you to resist and is not really healthy, that golden light around your stomach squeezes it gently and tells you that you are unable to touch the food that isn't the best choice.
Smile to your liver, wrap it with a green sprout-like light and tell it that it will make the bile that will digest that best foods, and your pancreas will make just the right amount of sugar your body needs without being tempted to touch foods that previously you were challenged to leave alone.
Smile to your kidneys and bladder, wrap them with a blue light and tell them that waste waters flow out of you when you urinate and take out with them the unwanted urges for unhealthy food.
Smile to your small, (red light) and large, (white light,) intestine and tell them they are doing a continually better job of taking in the nutrients you need and releasing the solid waste in the form of big healthy stool, perhaps healthier than you have ever eliminated! 11.
Smile to your reproductive system with a pink light wrap and say you have the energy and power of a sperm that swims to an egg and can make a brand new, healthy self.
You are becoming a new person full of life force energies, little by little and step by step! If you don't know the location of your internal organs, get to know them through buying a simple anatomy book.
Slowly your own internal organs will become better friends than all the food you have ever craved and you will want to protect those organs more and more.
Keep up your practice with your teacher and learn more about Qigong through the internet, magazines and books.
You will have a higher esteem about yourself.
Yes it will take practice and you will be thrilled that you did the wonderful transformation of your self by sticking to this playful way of moving light energy into your own body!