How to Win Back the One You Love - 3 Simple Tricks Guaranteed to Help Get Your Ex Back
If you've recently gone through such a messy break up you may be wondering how to win back the one you love.
Luckily I've got a few tricks you can add to your arsenal that will work wonders in getting your ex back! 1.
People Want What They Can't Have This is a great psychological trick if you're wondering how to win back the one you love.
If he or she calls, don't answer, let them leave a voice mail.
Now, I'm not saying be completely unavailable just play a little hard to get and show your ex that you're fine with the break up.
If you want to get back with your ex, make it his or her idea, that's how to win back the one you love.
Compliment Your Ex Give your ex a compliment, but not on something obvious like her new hair cut or his new car.
This will make them remember how much they used to value your compliments without it seeming like you're groveling.
Do this casually and don't go overboard or it will look bad.
Using Self Interest Self interest is one of the most powerful forces in the human psyche.
Leave your ex a message saying something along the lines of "Just want to thank you for what you did the other day" or something like that.
This will get them thinking they did something good and create a positive atmosphere.