Attract Gorgeous Women
The secret to approaching a woman is to be confident. When you come across a woman you would like to meet, do just stare at her while gathering the courage to approach her without seeming too forward or desperate? Usually men tend to come up with one of those overly used one liners, big mistake, be yourself, appear confident, a man who appears confident will draw a woman to him.Forget the one-liners. Pick-up lines rarely, if ever work. Use your surroundings to your advantage. If it's a hot day outside, comment about the weather. If you comment about the immediate situation it will not seem out of the ordinary, it shows that you are not being desperate, and it opens up the line of communication.When a woman sees you approaching, don't hesitate. A woman will loose interest if you hesitate she will know you are not confident. Maintain eye contact as you approach her. Keeping eye contact lets women know that you feel confident, and are not feeling desperate about your actions and will be immediately drawn to you.Try not to fidget. Do not fidget. This is a symptom to a wowman that you are not comfortable. If you appear uncomfortable, she will also feel uncomfortable, resulting in an awkward first encounter.Once the approach has been made and the conversation has started, listen. Give her your full attention, do not allow what is happening around you to distract you. Women appreciate men who pay attention to them, rather than to what's going on around them. Make sure your responses are relevant to the topic at hand because random words tossed out will cause her to lose interest.Don't come on too strong. A first meeting should never include the phrase, 'our future together'. Your primary goal is not to appear desperate. So be yourself. So, keep the conversation to general chit chat. Your stance is important as well. Be respectful of her personal space, do not crowd her, it will make her feel overwhelmed and uncomfortable. By respecting her personal space and bounderies, she will appreciate it and it will help her to relax.