Advice By Ayurvedic Experts To Clean the Arteries Naturally
A heart attack occurs due to restricted flow of oxygen rich blood to any section of the heart. Patients suffering from coronary heart disease or CHD have often experienced a heart attack.
Symptoms of heart attack
Heart attack symptoms usually begin with a crushing chest pain. Warning signs of heart attack vary in different patients. Some of the heart attacks occur gradually as a mild pain or discomfort. Very few or no symptoms have been recorded in some patients. Such heart attacks are often termed as silent heart attacks.
Generally, heart attack involves pain in the center or extreme left side of the chest, which lasts for several minutes. One might feel fullness, pain, squeezing or uncomfortable pressure under such situations. In very rare cases, the patient feels heartburn or indigestion during a heart attack pain.
Some of the common heart attack symptoms are enlisted below:-
Those who have experienced attack earlier will not face the same symptoms for another one. Somehow, many patients often experience a pattern of symptoms that reoccur after a specific interval of time.
Signs and symptoms of a heart attack sometimes develop suddenly, while at times they occur within weeks, days or months before the heart attack. It is essential to be aware of the warning signs of the heart attack so that you could prove to be helpful for your loved ones or yourself.
Ayurvedic remedies to clean arteries naturally
Ayurveda is trying to find the root cause behind the heart attack and other heart related diseases. Many effective and natural methods have been developed by Ayurveda to clean arteries naturally. Some of them are enlisted below.
Symptoms of heart attack
Heart attack symptoms usually begin with a crushing chest pain. Warning signs of heart attack vary in different patients. Some of the heart attacks occur gradually as a mild pain or discomfort. Very few or no symptoms have been recorded in some patients. Such heart attacks are often termed as silent heart attacks.
Generally, heart attack involves pain in the center or extreme left side of the chest, which lasts for several minutes. One might feel fullness, pain, squeezing or uncomfortable pressure under such situations. In very rare cases, the patient feels heartburn or indigestion during a heart attack pain.
Some of the common heart attack symptoms are enlisted below:-
- Mild pain or discomfort in upper body parts like back, neck, and upper part of the stomach, jaw, arms and other parts.
- The patient may feel shortness of breath before the chest pain.
- Some individuals experience sudden dizziness, light headedness, vomiting and nausea or fatigue.
- Patients may face difficulty in sleeping.
Those who have experienced attack earlier will not face the same symptoms for another one. Somehow, many patients often experience a pattern of symptoms that reoccur after a specific interval of time.
Signs and symptoms of a heart attack sometimes develop suddenly, while at times they occur within weeks, days or months before the heart attack. It is essential to be aware of the warning signs of the heart attack so that you could prove to be helpful for your loved ones or yourself.
Ayurvedic remedies to clean arteries naturally
Ayurveda is trying to find the root cause behind the heart attack and other heart related diseases. Many effective and natural methods have been developed by Ayurveda to clean arteries naturally. Some of them are enlisted below.
- Amla: - the antioxidant nourishes the heart and removes any kind of arterial blockage from the human body. Many natural herbs and Ayurvedic medicines contain a suitable quantity of amla in them. It increases the immune system of the patients. One needs to consume this ultimate remedy for heart disease at least twice a day.
- Relaxation: - Rest is equally essential for the mind as well as heart. After long hours of work one needs to rest his body. Ashwagandha, a natural herb is considered as the best remedy to relieve stress and tension from the body. Besides this, it boosts up the heart muscles allowing them to perform better.
- Cholesterol level: - increase in the level of cholesterol often contributes towards heart attack and coronary heart disease. It is essential to remove LDL cholesterol or bad cholesterol from the body and increase the level of HDL or good cholesterol.
- Blood pressure: - one needs to keep a check on the level of blood pressure. Individuals experiencing high blood pressure are prone to heart attack and other heart diseases.