Jesus' Resurrection - Gospel Descriptions are Puzzle Patches
Jesus' Resurrection - Gospel Descriptions are Puzzle Patches
All the four books of Gospels in the Bible did write about the resurrection of Jesus who died on the cross. But why there is a vast difference in their descriptions? Which writings are most accurate / perfect? Where are the errors? These are the big and serious questions!
Bible is a Holy and perfect spiritual book. Even dots and comas of the old original manuscripts of Bible are believed to be perfect and unchangeable (Math.5:18, Rev.22:18 -19). Therefore, there are no errors or any contradictions in the original scrolls (booklets) of The Bible. But during translations of the original scripts, in different languages, there are rare possibilities of, few human errors might have occurred. Read the resurrection passages given bellow; carefully and compare the variations appearing in them.
(1) Math.28: 1-15, (2) Mark 16: 1-8, (3) Luke 24: 1-12 and (4) John 20: 1-18. Surely, there are some unmatchable differences in the writings! How and why they occurred? Let us try to search and find out!
Bible is a spiritual book. History, stories and parables are included as examples to explain spiritual aspects in the Bible. Therefore, most of the Booklets in The Bible give brief histories and stories. Details are given only where essential. That is why, in order to obtain more details of Jesus' life in the world and more point of views of Jesus' ministry in the world, above four Gospel booklets are included in the Bible. We need to study them and analyze their descriptions collectively all together for our personal understanding about the actual facts and for our own spiritual growth and true revelations. Sometimes, we even need to check their back ground if any; while inspecting them.
In the descriptions of Jesus' resurrection, women disciples are prominent figures. All four Gospels witness that; only women disciples did not leave Jesus alone during his tortures, during his crucifixion and even till his burial. Due to witnesses of those women, the descriptions of above events must have been written in the gospel booklets. Therefore, only women disciples were honored to see resurrected Jesus first in Jerusalem, they believed in Jesus' resurrection first and gave witness of Jesus' resurrection first to Jesus' men disciples and other people.
(A) There were two main groups of disciple ladies. Group one came with Jesus right from Galilee to Jerusalem. As per Jewish customs, every year, all Jews used to gather in Jerusalem to celebrate festival of Passover and the festival of Pentecost which followed thereafter. Thus in the group of people from Galilee; some disciple ladies came to Jerusalem with Jesus (Mark 15: 40-41).
(B) In second group; many local women disciples of Jesus; were from Jerusalem city (Luke 23: 27-28). These verses indicate that, Jesus was very precious for above both groups of women disciples, therefore these ladies names are highlighted in four Gospel books and Jesus too met them first after his resurrection!
(C)Mary is a prominent name in the ladies groups in the events of crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mary was a mother of Jesus. Therefore, obviously Jesus was most precious to mother Mary. She was in the first group of ladies who came from Galilee. Mary Jesus' mother was present till Jesus died on the cross on Calvary (John 19:25). That was the last appearance of her name in the fourth book of Gospel.
Hebrew word "Mary" means bitterness. Yet this name seemed to be popular, it was commonly given to Hebrew girls. See the list of "Mary(s)" given bellow. It is prepared only from The New Testament.
(1) Mary, mother of Jesus – We all know about her.
(2) Mary of Bethany – a sister of Lazarus and Martha, famous in the gospels.
(3) Mary of Magdalene - Well known for washing and anointing the feet of Jesus.
(4) Other Mary - mother of James (the younger) and Joes (Math. 27:61, 28:1, Mark 15:40 & 47).
(5) Mary – A wife of Clopas (John 19:25).
(6) Mary - mother of John (or) Mark. (John was also called Mark) (Acts 12:12).
(7) Mary – Roman Disciple (Rom. 12:12).
Out of seven Mary(s) five - Mary remained with Jesus during his bitter and crucial last hours of death on the cross. Few Mary remained there till the burial of Jesus. They never ran away like Jesus' men disciples.
That is why four - Mary could see resurrected Jesus first, together with other ladies, their names were Salome, Joanna, mother of Zebedee's sons and other ladies, who came from Galilee.
(D) Among above ladies, Mary of Magdalene was most prominent lady. In every visit to Jesus' tomb her name is recorded which disturbs in preparing exact serial order of actual number of visits made to empty tomb with the help of descriptions available in the four gospels. But surprisingly her name also helps to understand the order of events better. Only when we consider one of the genuine reasons is gaps of time.
In the Bible descriptions there are vast gapsof time in between two verses and even in between two words of the Bible. For example –
(i) (Gen. 1:1) a very small verse. Creation of only two places mentioned. But extremely vast gapoftime separates two words. How many heaven/s God had to create to accommodate four million galaxies? How much time was required for the creation of each heaven and every galaxy to fit in it? How much actual time was taken in the creation of Earth? Lastly, what was the grand total gap of time God used? Not mentioned in the Bible. Above creation was done in God's secrete time. However factor gapoftime is kept secret here.
(ii) Likewise in (Math. 27:44 and Mark 15:32 or Luke 23:39-43) whose writing is correct, Matthew's and Mark's (or) only Luke's? In the Bible, nobody has ever written anything wrongly. Every verse and every word in the original manuscripts of the Bible are correctly written. One must consider the fact that, for six hours Jesus was hanging on the cross. Matthew and Mark wrote the event which was noticed in the early hours but Luke wrote the incident occurred in the letter hours. So all the writings are true but invisible gap of time makes them appear like contradicting.
Therefore, one should keep in mind that even if some where contradictories appear in few writings in the Bible, one should not get confused or come to some negative conclusions. Try to search for solid reasons or backgrounds or conditions in which the two opposite appearing descriptions or writings are printed.
Even though, ladies main groups were two, one from Galilee and the other from Jerusalem. Their appearances near the cross were subgroup wise. All ladies together did not go to Jesus' empty tomb. They visited the empty tomb by subgroups. Please note that these subgroups made 2 or 3 separate visits to empty tomb. Every gospel writer described one two section of visits. Hence differences in descriptions are there. It seems, almost in every gospel small gaps of time are present; so no wonder if apparent differences occur. One the basis of gospel descriptions; the complete story of Jesus' resurrection has five parts. First part is written in (Matthew 28: 1-7 and Mark 16: 1-8), second part in (John 20: 1-18), the third part in (Luke 24: 1-8), fourth part in (Math. 28: 8-10, Luke 24: 9-11) and fifth part in (Mark 16: 12-20, Luke 24: 13-53, John 20: 19-31 and 21: 1-25, Math. 28: 16-20).
Mary of Magdalene is a part and parcel of every visit to tomb and every subgroup. As per the description in the book of John; she herself alone seems to be like a separate subgroup too! How she became so important, next to Mary; mother of Jesus in the Gospels? Jesus had forgiven Mary of Magdalene's all the scarlet red big sins, than any other Mary's. Therefore she loved Jesus more than any other Mary. She was the only Mary found in the Gospels who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair and anointed Jesus' feet with most expensive perfume before Jesus' crucifixion. Even after Jesus' death, she took the leading part in visiting Jesus' tomb first on third day to apply spices and perfumes. Due to Mary Magdalene's passion for Jesus, she became so important and very prominent figure in the Gospel booklets.
(E) Jewish Day counts – Starts from evening to evening on the next day i.e. one complete day of 24 hours.
Jewish Hour counts - Starts at sunset (Zero hour), then say from 6 PM to 6 AM are 12 hours of night and
Again at sunrise (is Zero hour) then say from 6 AM to 6 PM are 12 hours of day light.
Jewish day of preparation – (Friday).Starts on Thursday, from 6 PM, ends on Friday at 6 PM i.e. 24 hours.
Friday from 6 AM to 6 PM day light time of preparation day (for the Sabbath).
The Sabbath – (Saturday).Starts on Friday, from 6 PM, ends on Saturday at 6 PM. A holy day for prayers
and complete rest. Work of any kind, even cooking, was not allowed on Sabbath (for24 hours).
First day of week – (Sunday).Starts on Saturday, from 6 PM, ends on 6 PM on Sunday. Likewise rest of the
week days are calculated in the Hebrew calendar (Gen. 1: 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31, 2: 2 & 3).
After considering all above factors, let us try to form a complete story from Jesus' arrest to Jesus' resurrection from the descriptions available in the four booklets of Gospel in the Bible:-
(1) Disciple Judas Iscariot betrayed and sold Jesus; to the enemies. After Jesus' arrest; his all men disciples left Jesus alone and ran away. Peter denied Jesus thrice. But Disciple John and ladies, by forming subgroups, followed Jesus and remained with him, till Jesus' death (Math. 27:55-56, Mark 15: 40-41, Luke 23:27-28, John 19:25-27). After the death; Jesus' body was removed from cross. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus wrapped Jesus' body, with spices, in strips of linen, laid the body in nearby garden tomb (John 19: 38-42) and they closed tomb entrance with big rolling stone, in the presence of Ladies from Galilee (Luke 23:55).
That was Friday evening (Jewish day of preparation). Just after the sunset, Sabbath day was to begin, so just after the burial of Jesus, on Friday evening and before Sabbath, one subgroup of ladies prepared the spices and perfumes at home, to apply on Jesus' body, on first day of the week i.e. Sunday (Luke 23:56 - 24:1).
(2) Second subgroup of ladies bought spices after Sabbath i.e. after Saturday's sunset (Mark 16: 1).
In Jerusalem, Just after the Sabbath i.e. after Saturday's sunset, the rolling stone on Jesus' tomb was sealed and few guards were deployed on the tomb (Math. 27: 62-66). Jesus' disciples or ladies never knew about the guard at the tomb. They were hiding in one place; in Jerusalem and were moaning together for Jesus.
(3) Just after few hours, at early dawn, on the first day of the week (Sunday) God resurrected Jesus from the death. There was a violent earth quack, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightening and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that, by shock they fainted and became like dead men for a long time.
(4) In the same night, I think, sad Mary Magdalene did not sleep, therefore may be due to earth quake, at dawn she with other Mary planned to go and look at the tomb (Math.28: 1). Can ladies dare to visit tombs in the darkness? That is why on their way they must have spent some time to take their subgroup member Salome with them too! Therefore, after sunrise three ladies reached the tomb (Mark 16: 1-2). They saw the stone rolled back, they must have seen fainted guards, body of Jesus was missing, there was a stranger (an angel must have changed his previous heavenly appearance) with unbelievable massage. After returning back home, due to fear ladies kept mum (Mark 16: 7-8). (By that time, guards had gone after gaining consciousness). When the fear was over, Mary of Magdalene went running to Peter and John and opened her mouth first and told every truth they saw at empty tomb (John.20: 1-2). So peter and John ran to tomb, therefore without taking any spices, immediately Mary of Magdalene alone followed them, this was her second visit to tomb (in a second subgroup with Peter and John). Peter and John saw only linen strips, which were wrapped around Jesus' body, in the empty tomb. So they went home.
(5) Mary Magdalene alone (herself as a subgroup) remained there. She was crying outside of tomb. Then again she peeped in the tomb. Now instead of one, she saw two men (angels in human form) in the tomb. At this stage she became the first person to find resurrected Jesus standing right behind her (John.20: 3-18). While Mary of Magdalene remained in tomb garden in deep joy, back at home, the other subgroup of ladies, who had prepared spices for Jesus' body reached the empty tomb and met those two men (angels) ( Luke. 24: 1-8).
(6) Afterwards all ladies together found Mary of Magdalene in the state of deep joy alone roaming, in garden of the tomb, surprised with joy by Mary's story they believed her. From the tomb hurried away home. Suddenly resurrected Jesus met them (Math.27: 8-10). By that time, tomb guards too; reported the resurrection (Math.27: 11-15). But at home Jesus' disciples did not believe ladies and the massages ladies brought from angels and even from resurrected Jesus Christ (Math.28: 5-7, 8-10, Mark.16:6-7, Luke.24: 4-11), from these verses, after his resurrection; Jesus wished to appear his men disciples only at Galilee.
(7) But due to lack of men disciples' faith in the resurrection, Jesus had to visit them on the same day, in the evening; in Jerusalem. Thereafter, Jesus appeared them on several times, in few other places for next forty days. Lastly in the presence of his all disciples and the mob; Jesus ascended to heaven by making them witnesses of ascension (Mark.16: 14, John.20: 19-29, Luke.24: 36-47, Math.28: 16-17, Luke.24: 50-53).
Jesus' ladies disciples; exhibited better passions for Jesus in the midst of dangerous circumstance after Jesus' arrest till his death on the cross, his burial in tomb and even after Sabbath, on the first day of the week, at the tomb, than Jesus' male disciples. The way Jesus was tortured, suffered and died on the cross was actually seen by the ladies and only male disciple John. Other men disciples had only heard their descriptions. But the impact of Jesus' crucifixion was so strong that, every male and female disciple of Jesus had forgotten the prophecies in the scriptures and Jesus' own prophecy about his resurrection. Rather they lost their faith on resurrection, even though they had seen Jesus raising dead ones. After resurrection, Jesus passed through the closed door and appeared to disciples twice, so the rolling stone and the seal on the tomb was no bar for Jesus. Angels came down just, to drive away the guards and to display empty tomb for visiting groups of ladies and convey massage of Jesus' resurrection to male disciples. Jesus' ladies disciples out casted his male disciples, on following spiritual aspects.
(1) First listening to one angel and afterwards two angel's witnesses, ladies believed in Jesus' resurrection. But Male disciples did not believe ladies' witnesses. Ladies passions for Jesus was invincible, therefore angels appeared in human forms and talked with only ladies. On Mary of Magdalene's intimation, except Peter and John, no male disciple bothered to visit Jesus' empty tomb on the day of resurrection. Angels did not appear even to John and Peter. John, who was present near crucified Jesus, entered in the tomb first. But same John was chosen to write the book of Revelation in The Bible after a long time.
(2) All ladies believed in the massages of angels and witness of Mary Magdalene. Therefore Jesus first appeared to only ladies.
But of due to lack of his male disciples' faith, Jesus was compelled to appear them the same day at Jerusalem. In order to bring them back in the faith. To witness to the whole world, the power of God's love, forgiveness, peace and joy and make people to believe in resurrection and salvation,
How much important is a PASSION for crucified Christ?
How much important is a FAITH in resurrected Christ?
How much important is a FAITH in resurrection of mankind, forgiveness of sins and Salvation?
All the four books of Gospels in the Bible did write about the resurrection of Jesus who died on the cross. But why there is a vast difference in their descriptions? Which writings are most accurate / perfect? Where are the errors? These are the big and serious questions!
Bible is a Holy and perfect spiritual book. Even dots and comas of the old original manuscripts of Bible are believed to be perfect and unchangeable (Math.5:18, Rev.22:18 -19). Therefore, there are no errors or any contradictions in the original scrolls (booklets) of The Bible. But during translations of the original scripts, in different languages, there are rare possibilities of, few human errors might have occurred. Read the resurrection passages given bellow; carefully and compare the variations appearing in them.
(1) Math.28: 1-15, (2) Mark 16: 1-8, (3) Luke 24: 1-12 and (4) John 20: 1-18. Surely, there are some unmatchable differences in the writings! How and why they occurred? Let us try to search and find out!
Bible is a spiritual book. History, stories and parables are included as examples to explain spiritual aspects in the Bible. Therefore, most of the Booklets in The Bible give brief histories and stories. Details are given only where essential. That is why, in order to obtain more details of Jesus' life in the world and more point of views of Jesus' ministry in the world, above four Gospel booklets are included in the Bible. We need to study them and analyze their descriptions collectively all together for our personal understanding about the actual facts and for our own spiritual growth and true revelations. Sometimes, we even need to check their back ground if any; while inspecting them.
In the descriptions of Jesus' resurrection, women disciples are prominent figures. All four Gospels witness that; only women disciples did not leave Jesus alone during his tortures, during his crucifixion and even till his burial. Due to witnesses of those women, the descriptions of above events must have been written in the gospel booklets. Therefore, only women disciples were honored to see resurrected Jesus first in Jerusalem, they believed in Jesus' resurrection first and gave witness of Jesus' resurrection first to Jesus' men disciples and other people.
(A) There were two main groups of disciple ladies. Group one came with Jesus right from Galilee to Jerusalem. As per Jewish customs, every year, all Jews used to gather in Jerusalem to celebrate festival of Passover and the festival of Pentecost which followed thereafter. Thus in the group of people from Galilee; some disciple ladies came to Jerusalem with Jesus (Mark 15: 40-41).
(B) In second group; many local women disciples of Jesus; were from Jerusalem city (Luke 23: 27-28). These verses indicate that, Jesus was very precious for above both groups of women disciples, therefore these ladies names are highlighted in four Gospel books and Jesus too met them first after his resurrection!
(C)Mary is a prominent name in the ladies groups in the events of crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mary was a mother of Jesus. Therefore, obviously Jesus was most precious to mother Mary. She was in the first group of ladies who came from Galilee. Mary Jesus' mother was present till Jesus died on the cross on Calvary (John 19:25). That was the last appearance of her name in the fourth book of Gospel.
Hebrew word "Mary" means bitterness. Yet this name seemed to be popular, it was commonly given to Hebrew girls. See the list of "Mary(s)" given bellow. It is prepared only from The New Testament.
(1) Mary, mother of Jesus – We all know about her.
(2) Mary of Bethany – a sister of Lazarus and Martha, famous in the gospels.
(3) Mary of Magdalene - Well known for washing and anointing the feet of Jesus.
(4) Other Mary - mother of James (the younger) and Joes (Math. 27:61, 28:1, Mark 15:40 & 47).
(5) Mary – A wife of Clopas (John 19:25).
(6) Mary - mother of John (or) Mark. (John was also called Mark) (Acts 12:12).
(7) Mary – Roman Disciple (Rom. 12:12).
Out of seven Mary(s) five - Mary remained with Jesus during his bitter and crucial last hours of death on the cross. Few Mary remained there till the burial of Jesus. They never ran away like Jesus' men disciples.
That is why four - Mary could see resurrected Jesus first, together with other ladies, their names were Salome, Joanna, mother of Zebedee's sons and other ladies, who came from Galilee.
(D) Among above ladies, Mary of Magdalene was most prominent lady. In every visit to Jesus' tomb her name is recorded which disturbs in preparing exact serial order of actual number of visits made to empty tomb with the help of descriptions available in the four gospels. But surprisingly her name also helps to understand the order of events better. Only when we consider one of the genuine reasons is gaps of time.
In the Bible descriptions there are vast gapsof time in between two verses and even in between two words of the Bible. For example –
(i) (Gen. 1:1) a very small verse. Creation of only two places mentioned. But extremely vast gapoftime separates two words. How many heaven/s God had to create to accommodate four million galaxies? How much time was required for the creation of each heaven and every galaxy to fit in it? How much actual time was taken in the creation of Earth? Lastly, what was the grand total gap of time God used? Not mentioned in the Bible. Above creation was done in God's secrete time. However factor gapoftime is kept secret here.
(ii) Likewise in (Math. 27:44 and Mark 15:32 or Luke 23:39-43) whose writing is correct, Matthew's and Mark's (or) only Luke's? In the Bible, nobody has ever written anything wrongly. Every verse and every word in the original manuscripts of the Bible are correctly written. One must consider the fact that, for six hours Jesus was hanging on the cross. Matthew and Mark wrote the event which was noticed in the early hours but Luke wrote the incident occurred in the letter hours. So all the writings are true but invisible gap of time makes them appear like contradicting.
Therefore, one should keep in mind that even if some where contradictories appear in few writings in the Bible, one should not get confused or come to some negative conclusions. Try to search for solid reasons or backgrounds or conditions in which the two opposite appearing descriptions or writings are printed.
Even though, ladies main groups were two, one from Galilee and the other from Jerusalem. Their appearances near the cross were subgroup wise. All ladies together did not go to Jesus' empty tomb. They visited the empty tomb by subgroups. Please note that these subgroups made 2 or 3 separate visits to empty tomb. Every gospel writer described one two section of visits. Hence differences in descriptions are there. It seems, almost in every gospel small gaps of time are present; so no wonder if apparent differences occur. One the basis of gospel descriptions; the complete story of Jesus' resurrection has five parts. First part is written in (Matthew 28: 1-7 and Mark 16: 1-8), second part in (John 20: 1-18), the third part in (Luke 24: 1-8), fourth part in (Math. 28: 8-10, Luke 24: 9-11) and fifth part in (Mark 16: 12-20, Luke 24: 13-53, John 20: 19-31 and 21: 1-25, Math. 28: 16-20).
Mary of Magdalene is a part and parcel of every visit to tomb and every subgroup. As per the description in the book of John; she herself alone seems to be like a separate subgroup too! How she became so important, next to Mary; mother of Jesus in the Gospels? Jesus had forgiven Mary of Magdalene's all the scarlet red big sins, than any other Mary's. Therefore she loved Jesus more than any other Mary. She was the only Mary found in the Gospels who washed Jesus' feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair and anointed Jesus' feet with most expensive perfume before Jesus' crucifixion. Even after Jesus' death, she took the leading part in visiting Jesus' tomb first on third day to apply spices and perfumes. Due to Mary Magdalene's passion for Jesus, she became so important and very prominent figure in the Gospel booklets.
(E) Jewish Day counts – Starts from evening to evening on the next day i.e. one complete day of 24 hours.
Jewish Hour counts - Starts at sunset (Zero hour), then say from 6 PM to 6 AM are 12 hours of night and
Again at sunrise (is Zero hour) then say from 6 AM to 6 PM are 12 hours of day light.
Jewish day of preparation – (Friday).Starts on Thursday, from 6 PM, ends on Friday at 6 PM i.e. 24 hours.
Friday from 6 AM to 6 PM day light time of preparation day (for the Sabbath).
The Sabbath – (Saturday).Starts on Friday, from 6 PM, ends on Saturday at 6 PM. A holy day for prayers
and complete rest. Work of any kind, even cooking, was not allowed on Sabbath (for24 hours).
First day of week – (Sunday).Starts on Saturday, from 6 PM, ends on 6 PM on Sunday. Likewise rest of the
week days are calculated in the Hebrew calendar (Gen. 1: 5, 8, 13, 19, 23, 31, 2: 2 & 3).
After considering all above factors, let us try to form a complete story from Jesus' arrest to Jesus' resurrection from the descriptions available in the four booklets of Gospel in the Bible:-
(1) Disciple Judas Iscariot betrayed and sold Jesus; to the enemies. After Jesus' arrest; his all men disciples left Jesus alone and ran away. Peter denied Jesus thrice. But Disciple John and ladies, by forming subgroups, followed Jesus and remained with him, till Jesus' death (Math. 27:55-56, Mark 15: 40-41, Luke 23:27-28, John 19:25-27). After the death; Jesus' body was removed from cross. Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus wrapped Jesus' body, with spices, in strips of linen, laid the body in nearby garden tomb (John 19: 38-42) and they closed tomb entrance with big rolling stone, in the presence of Ladies from Galilee (Luke 23:55).
That was Friday evening (Jewish day of preparation). Just after the sunset, Sabbath day was to begin, so just after the burial of Jesus, on Friday evening and before Sabbath, one subgroup of ladies prepared the spices and perfumes at home, to apply on Jesus' body, on first day of the week i.e. Sunday (Luke 23:56 - 24:1).
(2) Second subgroup of ladies bought spices after Sabbath i.e. after Saturday's sunset (Mark 16: 1).
In Jerusalem, Just after the Sabbath i.e. after Saturday's sunset, the rolling stone on Jesus' tomb was sealed and few guards were deployed on the tomb (Math. 27: 62-66). Jesus' disciples or ladies never knew about the guard at the tomb. They were hiding in one place; in Jerusalem and were moaning together for Jesus.
(3) Just after few hours, at early dawn, on the first day of the week (Sunday) God resurrected Jesus from the death. There was a violent earth quack, for an angel of the Lord came down from heaven and going to the tomb, rolled back the stone and sat on it. His appearance was like lightening and his clothes were white as snow. The guards were so afraid of him that, by shock they fainted and became like dead men for a long time.
(4) In the same night, I think, sad Mary Magdalene did not sleep, therefore may be due to earth quake, at dawn she with other Mary planned to go and look at the tomb (Math.28: 1). Can ladies dare to visit tombs in the darkness? That is why on their way they must have spent some time to take their subgroup member Salome with them too! Therefore, after sunrise three ladies reached the tomb (Mark 16: 1-2). They saw the stone rolled back, they must have seen fainted guards, body of Jesus was missing, there was a stranger (an angel must have changed his previous heavenly appearance) with unbelievable massage. After returning back home, due to fear ladies kept mum (Mark 16: 7-8). (By that time, guards had gone after gaining consciousness). When the fear was over, Mary of Magdalene went running to Peter and John and opened her mouth first and told every truth they saw at empty tomb (John.20: 1-2). So peter and John ran to tomb, therefore without taking any spices, immediately Mary of Magdalene alone followed them, this was her second visit to tomb (in a second subgroup with Peter and John). Peter and John saw only linen strips, which were wrapped around Jesus' body, in the empty tomb. So they went home.
(5) Mary Magdalene alone (herself as a subgroup) remained there. She was crying outside of tomb. Then again she peeped in the tomb. Now instead of one, she saw two men (angels in human form) in the tomb. At this stage she became the first person to find resurrected Jesus standing right behind her (John.20: 3-18). While Mary of Magdalene remained in tomb garden in deep joy, back at home, the other subgroup of ladies, who had prepared spices for Jesus' body reached the empty tomb and met those two men (angels) ( Luke. 24: 1-8).
(6) Afterwards all ladies together found Mary of Magdalene in the state of deep joy alone roaming, in garden of the tomb, surprised with joy by Mary's story they believed her. From the tomb hurried away home. Suddenly resurrected Jesus met them (Math.27: 8-10). By that time, tomb guards too; reported the resurrection (Math.27: 11-15). But at home Jesus' disciples did not believe ladies and the massages ladies brought from angels and even from resurrected Jesus Christ (Math.28: 5-7, 8-10, Mark.16:6-7, Luke.24: 4-11), from these verses, after his resurrection; Jesus wished to appear his men disciples only at Galilee.
(7) But due to lack of men disciples' faith in the resurrection, Jesus had to visit them on the same day, in the evening; in Jerusalem. Thereafter, Jesus appeared them on several times, in few other places for next forty days. Lastly in the presence of his all disciples and the mob; Jesus ascended to heaven by making them witnesses of ascension (Mark.16: 14, John.20: 19-29, Luke.24: 36-47, Math.28: 16-17, Luke.24: 50-53).
Jesus' ladies disciples; exhibited better passions for Jesus in the midst of dangerous circumstance after Jesus' arrest till his death on the cross, his burial in tomb and even after Sabbath, on the first day of the week, at the tomb, than Jesus' male disciples. The way Jesus was tortured, suffered and died on the cross was actually seen by the ladies and only male disciple John. Other men disciples had only heard their descriptions. But the impact of Jesus' crucifixion was so strong that, every male and female disciple of Jesus had forgotten the prophecies in the scriptures and Jesus' own prophecy about his resurrection. Rather they lost their faith on resurrection, even though they had seen Jesus raising dead ones. After resurrection, Jesus passed through the closed door and appeared to disciples twice, so the rolling stone and the seal on the tomb was no bar for Jesus. Angels came down just, to drive away the guards and to display empty tomb for visiting groups of ladies and convey massage of Jesus' resurrection to male disciples. Jesus' ladies disciples out casted his male disciples, on following spiritual aspects.
(1) First listening to one angel and afterwards two angel's witnesses, ladies believed in Jesus' resurrection. But Male disciples did not believe ladies' witnesses. Ladies passions for Jesus was invincible, therefore angels appeared in human forms and talked with only ladies. On Mary of Magdalene's intimation, except Peter and John, no male disciple bothered to visit Jesus' empty tomb on the day of resurrection. Angels did not appear even to John and Peter. John, who was present near crucified Jesus, entered in the tomb first. But same John was chosen to write the book of Revelation in The Bible after a long time.
(2) All ladies believed in the massages of angels and witness of Mary Magdalene. Therefore Jesus first appeared to only ladies.
But of due to lack of his male disciples' faith, Jesus was compelled to appear them the same day at Jerusalem. In order to bring them back in the faith. To witness to the whole world, the power of God's love, forgiveness, peace and joy and make people to believe in resurrection and salvation,
How much important is a PASSION for crucified Christ?
How much important is a FAITH in resurrected Christ?
How much important is a FAITH in resurrection of mankind, forgiveness of sins and Salvation?