The Only Goal You Should Set For 2010
So we find ourselves at the beginning of another year, its time for more workout goals, eat right goals, get more sleep goals...
well you get the picture.
I think these are all a waste of time.
You know that if your resolution is to eat fewer sweets for the entire year, you will probably break it this week.
Most yearlong goals just don't work and I think I know why.
Be honest with yourself have you ever kept a new years resolution I am sure most of us have not.
So what do we do? I am glad you asked I am about to reveal to you how you can reach every goal you have ever set.
You will do more than you ever thought possible and it involves setting just one year long goal.
Are you ready for it? This is the only yearly goal that anyone should ever set.
This is the ultimate resolution.
Plan to make weekly plans and daily goals for the rest of the year.
That's it, that's the miracle goal and this is why.
One year is just too big it seems too far away but today is doable.
Everybody can make two or three small goals for a day and accomplish them.
Everyone knows what they want we think about our wants all the time.
So when we say I want to lose 20 pounds this year what we really are saying is I don't like the way I look and feel today.
We feel that if we can put a number on something than that gives us something to strive for, but that just doesn't work because it's not possible to lose 20 pounds right now unless you're willing to cut off an appendage.
What we can do is say I plan on losing a pound this week and my goals for today are to eat 5 small meals and I am going to do a P90X workout.
That's it that's all you have to do.
So go ahead and make a list of everything you want in your life.
Health, financial prosperity, better relationships, a beautiful lawn just right them down.
Once your done figure out what you want then figure out what you can do this week to get closer to those goal and write that down and then figure out of all the things you can get done this week what can you do today.
Write all this down somewhere that you have to look a, a lot and congratulations you are on your way to achieving your wildest dreams.
well you get the picture.
I think these are all a waste of time.
You know that if your resolution is to eat fewer sweets for the entire year, you will probably break it this week.
Most yearlong goals just don't work and I think I know why.
Be honest with yourself have you ever kept a new years resolution I am sure most of us have not.
So what do we do? I am glad you asked I am about to reveal to you how you can reach every goal you have ever set.
You will do more than you ever thought possible and it involves setting just one year long goal.
Are you ready for it? This is the only yearly goal that anyone should ever set.
This is the ultimate resolution.
Plan to make weekly plans and daily goals for the rest of the year.
That's it, that's the miracle goal and this is why.
One year is just too big it seems too far away but today is doable.
Everybody can make two or three small goals for a day and accomplish them.
Everyone knows what they want we think about our wants all the time.
So when we say I want to lose 20 pounds this year what we really are saying is I don't like the way I look and feel today.
We feel that if we can put a number on something than that gives us something to strive for, but that just doesn't work because it's not possible to lose 20 pounds right now unless you're willing to cut off an appendage.
What we can do is say I plan on losing a pound this week and my goals for today are to eat 5 small meals and I am going to do a P90X workout.
That's it that's all you have to do.
So go ahead and make a list of everything you want in your life.
Health, financial prosperity, better relationships, a beautiful lawn just right them down.
Once your done figure out what you want then figure out what you can do this week to get closer to those goal and write that down and then figure out of all the things you can get done this week what can you do today.
Write all this down somewhere that you have to look a, a lot and congratulations you are on your way to achieving your wildest dreams.