How Do I Become A Property Inventory Clerk
If you're undecided about the career you want to pursue then you should probably consider becoming a property inventory clerk. How so? The inventory business is a service that is in very high demand considering that the number of apartments and plots for rent are continuously increasing in the world. It should also be noted that as more and more tenants become educated about the importance of obtaining an inventory report so does the demand for these professionals increase.
So, what are some of the basic responsibilities of property inventory clerks? Basically, these clerks are required to visit property that has been put up to be rented or leased and record every item that is on the property and its current state. They are then required to create a report, usually referred to as an inventory report, about what they had recorded. The report usually consists of written and photographic documentation and it is meant to act as a referral once the tenancy period is over and the tenant is planning on moving out. The main purpose of this report is to protect the interest of both parties and to prevent any skirmishes that have to do with misuse or degradation of property from arising.
With that said; how does one go about joining this profession? Like most professions education must play a role. Property inventory management companies are constantly seeking educated individuals so that they can hire them to take up such roles in their company. While there was a time that high school dropouts could have garnered positions as inventory clerks, today a significant number of these companies require candidates with at least a diploma or a degree. The poor economy and the high number of people in the unemployment line are largely to blame for this.
Assuming that one possesses this requirement then one is required to undergo formal training on how to carry out basic clerk responsibilities. The training period is usually short, ranging from two to four weeks. There is an assumption that the periods are short because the candidates hired are sharp and familiar with the classroom environment although these assumptions cannot be substantiated. During the training period the candidates are taught various things among them how to assess a given property, how to properly document items by using words, how to use a digital camera to take high quality pictures, how to communicate with the client, how to draft an inventory report properly, how to schedule a meeting between the landlord and prospective tenant, how to use online scheduling software to automate the schedule of meetings, and how to conduct themselves in a professional manner in those meeting among many other things.
Assessment exams are usually given to candidates to test their understanding. The examinations are usually of two types - practical and written. In the practical segment, candidates are required to assess a given property provided by the management and go over all the procedures that they were taught up to utilizing online scheduling software to automate documentations and reports. Note: the management will only hire individuals who pass these tests. Candidates who fail are encouraged to redo the course again until they get it right. This is so to prevent the company from being sued or getting their reputation soiled as a result of shoddy work.
Of course once one successfully jumps over these hurdles they will be attached to a property inventory clerk with a lot more experience in the field for a short period. The work of the clerk will be to mentor you as you gain real life experience interacting with landlords and tenants in the field. The senior inventory clerk is also meant to guide you by answering any questions that you may have regarding how to deal with certain situations such as how to deal with difficult landlords and evasive tenants. This continues until you are able to prove that you can handle yourself in the field without any assistance.
So, what are some of the basic responsibilities of property inventory clerks? Basically, these clerks are required to visit property that has been put up to be rented or leased and record every item that is on the property and its current state. They are then required to create a report, usually referred to as an inventory report, about what they had recorded. The report usually consists of written and photographic documentation and it is meant to act as a referral once the tenancy period is over and the tenant is planning on moving out. The main purpose of this report is to protect the interest of both parties and to prevent any skirmishes that have to do with misuse or degradation of property from arising.
With that said; how does one go about joining this profession? Like most professions education must play a role. Property inventory management companies are constantly seeking educated individuals so that they can hire them to take up such roles in their company. While there was a time that high school dropouts could have garnered positions as inventory clerks, today a significant number of these companies require candidates with at least a diploma or a degree. The poor economy and the high number of people in the unemployment line are largely to blame for this.
Assuming that one possesses this requirement then one is required to undergo formal training on how to carry out basic clerk responsibilities. The training period is usually short, ranging from two to four weeks. There is an assumption that the periods are short because the candidates hired are sharp and familiar with the classroom environment although these assumptions cannot be substantiated. During the training period the candidates are taught various things among them how to assess a given property, how to properly document items by using words, how to use a digital camera to take high quality pictures, how to communicate with the client, how to draft an inventory report properly, how to schedule a meeting between the landlord and prospective tenant, how to use online scheduling software to automate the schedule of meetings, and how to conduct themselves in a professional manner in those meeting among many other things.
Assessment exams are usually given to candidates to test their understanding. The examinations are usually of two types - practical and written. In the practical segment, candidates are required to assess a given property provided by the management and go over all the procedures that they were taught up to utilizing online scheduling software to automate documentations and reports. Note: the management will only hire individuals who pass these tests. Candidates who fail are encouraged to redo the course again until they get it right. This is so to prevent the company from being sued or getting their reputation soiled as a result of shoddy work.
Of course once one successfully jumps over these hurdles they will be attached to a property inventory clerk with a lot more experience in the field for a short period. The work of the clerk will be to mentor you as you gain real life experience interacting with landlords and tenants in the field. The senior inventory clerk is also meant to guide you by answering any questions that you may have regarding how to deal with certain situations such as how to deal with difficult landlords and evasive tenants. This continues until you are able to prove that you can handle yourself in the field without any assistance.