FEIN Filing Instructions
- 1). Apply for your EIN by visiting the IRS website (IRS.gov) and filling out the online EIN application. Provide the required information, which includes your type of business, name and address of your business and the owner information of the business.
- 2). Review the information you submitted to ensure it is all correct. If you submit your application with incorrect information, you will have to file additional paperwork to correct the information.
- 3). Submit your application. Your EIN is located on your confirmation page, which you should print and keep with your business records.
- 1). Apply for your EIN by calling the IRS and submitting your business information over the phone. Dial 800-829-4933 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting 800-829-4933 end_of_the_skype_highlighting anytime between the hours of 7 a.m. and 10 p.m. Monday through Friday.
- 2). Provide the IRS agent your business information. The agent will ask you questions regarding your business to help you with the application process.
- 3). Write down your EIN number when the IRS agent gives it to you. Keep it with your business records.
- 1). Obtain form SS-4, the application for an EIN by fax or mail. Fill out the application.
- 2). Mail your application to the IRS at:
Attn: EIN Operation
Cincinnati, OH 45999
Mailed EIN applications take up to four weeks to process before you will receive your EIN from the IRS. - 3). Fax your application to the IRS for processing. The fax number is 859-669-5760. Note your fax number on your application and the IRS will fax you an EIN within three business days.
Online Application
Phone Applications
Mail and Fax Applications