The Importance of Effective Workplace Mediation
Employer disputes cost the workplace millions of pounds every year this workplace conflict can lead to loss of productivity, sickness and poor retention of staff.
Why invest in staff training and team building if you allow workplace disputes to become unmanageable resulting in a costly tribune and absenteeism.
Organisations need a workforce who are happy and contented in their work environment if staff are not content issues will arise leading to employer disputes.
Dialogue is the life-blood of your organisation, essential for survival and also for the vitality to grow and develop.
There is no greater waste of time than arguing although brooding is certainly a very close second.
What do we argue about? The number one offender involves inter-personal disputes, a falling out.
Often a misunderstanding resulting from a simple failure to communicate or perhaps a clash of personalities, could there be a bully let loose at the water cooler or is perceived harassment the order of the day? Workplaces that have conflict management processes in place can prevent workplace disputes from becoming unmanageable.
Bullying and Harassment policies Dignity at work policies are a good starting point, however these policies need to be transparent and available for all staff.
Training and awareness sessions provide forums which allow employers to empower staff to challenge bullying and harassment and take responsibility for their actions to prevent workplace disputes.
Workplace mediation services should be available to all staff.
An employer dispute is personal to the individual who is experiencing the conflict some staff may not take offense where as others may become anxious about situations which if left may affect their health and work performance.
Having a workplace mediation service will allow staff to come forward to discuss issues with a mediator knowing that the process is confidential and objective and resolution can be reached within a day this will allow workplace disputes to be explored before they become unbearable and hard to manage Conflict management is important and managers should be trained in how they manage bullying and harassment complaints as all organisations have duty of care to their staff.
Why invest in staff training and team building if you allow workplace disputes to become unmanageable resulting in a costly tribune and absenteeism.
Organisations need a workforce who are happy and contented in their work environment if staff are not content issues will arise leading to employer disputes.
Dialogue is the life-blood of your organisation, essential for survival and also for the vitality to grow and develop.
There is no greater waste of time than arguing although brooding is certainly a very close second.
What do we argue about? The number one offender involves inter-personal disputes, a falling out.
Often a misunderstanding resulting from a simple failure to communicate or perhaps a clash of personalities, could there be a bully let loose at the water cooler or is perceived harassment the order of the day? Workplaces that have conflict management processes in place can prevent workplace disputes from becoming unmanageable.
Bullying and Harassment policies Dignity at work policies are a good starting point, however these policies need to be transparent and available for all staff.
Training and awareness sessions provide forums which allow employers to empower staff to challenge bullying and harassment and take responsibility for their actions to prevent workplace disputes.
Workplace mediation services should be available to all staff.
An employer dispute is personal to the individual who is experiencing the conflict some staff may not take offense where as others may become anxious about situations which if left may affect their health and work performance.
Having a workplace mediation service will allow staff to come forward to discuss issues with a mediator knowing that the process is confidential and objective and resolution can be reached within a day this will allow workplace disputes to be explored before they become unbearable and hard to manage Conflict management is important and managers should be trained in how they manage bullying and harassment complaints as all organisations have duty of care to their staff.