Gender Selection
Having the blues after you have had a baby and not feeling instant maternal instincts was in the past a shameful subject for women, thankfully nowadays it doesn't have such a huge stigma and women are getting the help they need, however gender disappointment is still somewhat taboo but most new parents usually get over that once they see their bundle of joy.
The topic of this short article can also stir a bit of controversy depending on who you talk to. The topic is of course, gender selection. Expounding on the many ethical issues people have with this, will probably require another article.So here, I am just going to tell those of you, who are curious about it, how you can go about doing it at home, without the use of invasive tests.
The simplest technique when attempting to select gender is the Shettles technique. The Shettles technique is so named because it is the brain child of Dr. Landrum Shettles. Dr. Shettles wrote a book called "How to choose the Sex of your baby"EUR? in it he boasts an impressive 75 % to 90 % rate when a couple uses his technique, in fact it has been continually touted as being one of the best guides for parents wishing to find out the gender of their child, very early
So far this really is the very best technique for increasing a couple's chances of selecting gender on their own. Shettles claims revolve around the fact that he believes that two kinds of sperm exist,one carries x chromosomes and the other y chromosomes.
Sperm which carry y chromosomes are those sperm that generate males, he discovered they possessed little circular heads and were more agile swimmers but had a shorter life span. The sperm that carried x chromosomes generate females and they had bigger egg shaped heads and swam much more slowly but had more longevity.
The sperm with male chromosomes possess the very best opportunity of getting to fertilize the egg first on the day of ovulation itself. However, whenever a woman has sexual activity a minimum of five days prior to ovulation then there's a bigger likelihood that the sperm carrying female chromosomes will still be alive to fertilize the eggs because the male sperm has a shorter life span.
As you can see it will probably be much easier to conceive a boy with this method rather than a girl.As in order to have a girl you must time it at least five or four days away from ovulation. Therefore you must have a firm knowledge of your ovulation pattern.