What Causes Break Ups in Love Relationships?
We are all created different.
Some people are introverts, while others are extroverts.
Some people are naturally honest while others are inherently dishonest.
Some people are capable of loving, while others are incapable of loving, whatever you do.
Some people save and accumulate wealth, while others scatter wealth.
These are some of the differences that are part of our lives, which we take with us into love relationships.
When we are too divergent and different from our partners, it is very difficult to find a common ground.
The result will be a break up soon or later.
I worked with a client of mine, who loved and married a beautiful woman.
This woman grew up in a completely dysfunctional family.
Her father had no home to call his.
He wondered from home to home, from girlfriend to girlfriend.
Where the night found him, that was his home for a night.
The mother was a drunkard, who went back to her maiden home on separation with the father of these children.
The children due to this dysfunctional home ended up being scattered all over the relatives.
There was no direct parental care.
In life, any one that lacks family direction takes the direction the streets dictate.
This lady despite her universal beauty, did not in the least have anything called love in her body.
To her, family meant nothing.
She never grew up in one.
To her, money and what it could buy meant everything.
So, any man who married her had to be able to provide all the wealth there is or he would lose her.
It was that simple and obvious.
If she finds some one wealthier, she would definitely move on and the cycle would continue.
Remember, she never grew up in a proper family and therefore this was the least of her problems.
This lady married this client of mine and a break up, is what exactly happened.
She lasted exactly two weeks in her marriage.
What the new husband did not know, is that the lady had another lover on the side.
She run to this lover, who apparently was married as well.
Of course, she would do exactly the same to this man given an opportunity find some one wealthier.
She did not respect the institution of family, which the husband held dear.
It meant nothing to her.
There was no way this love relationship could work in a life time.
The differences between the two, were too divergent to allow this marriage to work.
This client of mine came to me looking for love spells to lure this woman back home.
But, my question is, is she worth the effort.
Can life time differences be bridged for this relationship to work.
I do not think so.
It is always better to attract a person whose differnces with you are marginal, for the relationships to work.
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