Marriage Depression/marriage Stress - The Key Is How You Handle It
Stress in the marriage is more common than most will think, or want to believe, but you can put an end, or at least ease up on the stress in marriage by communicating with your spouse or signicant other.
The interactions of marriageand depression are addressed from the perspective of the relationship of depression to marital discord, gender roles, and the effect on spouses and children. In extreme case, the incidences of irrational behavior by people undergoing financial stress loss of employment, forclosure, and divorce are well-documented.
Problems that once would have been sloughed off as insignificant and not worth interfering with the pleasure you find in each other get taken more seriously, and conflicts multiply and grow.
Whether you are blaming your spouse or yourself, it really doesn't make any difference. Emotional healing depends on movement from conflict to resolution. Emotional wounds can affect how you react to everyday life situations. How Your Stress Affects Your Spouse. When you are stressed, your spouse could be affected both emotionally and physically by your stress.
The key is how you handle it and if you can recognize stress in yourrelationship. Such challenges don?t naturally lead to divorce, but can even strengthen a relationship, depending on how they are handled.
Depression is described as a reflection of a problem in the family system or the result of adversity challenging a weak structure.
Common symptoms of anxiety and depression include
sleep disorders,
difficulty concentrating,
upset stomach,
job dissatisfaction,
low morale,
Feeling "not good enough", shame, guilt, anger and unexpressed emotions are not the foundation for a happy relationship experience or are they the foundations for a happy marriage.