A Procedure in Filing a Lawsuit: Mediation Between Lawyers
Before you file a lawsuit, it would be helpful to know about how the procedure in filing a lawsuit goes. In most cases, the lawyer of both parties acts as a representative. During negotiations, your lawyer discusses legal matters with the responsible party's lawyer or insurance representative, not the defendant himself.
Your attorney sends the responsible party a demand letter that contains an outline of the case. The letter includes information about your injuries, a detailed account of the accident, and the reasons proving the defendant is at fault. It also includes a settlement account. In response to this letter, a counteroffer is sent by the responsible party. Before you accept a counteroffer, you need to consult with your lawyer. A counteroffer is accepted when the responsible party has agreed to pay for all the injury-related costs.
The demand letter begins the exchange between your Utah injury lawyer and the responsible party's lawyer. The exchange ends when agreement is reached by both parties. However, if the responsible party does not agree to an amount for compensation, then you and your attorney can file a lawsuit. Once your case is filed in court, you are required to attend court sessions until the case is resolved.
The compensation you are entitled to covers your medical bills and lost wages. Your personal injury lawyer Utah law firms provide also helps you claim compensation with punitive measures in your settlement account. This is done to prevent the responsible party from committing negligent actions again. If the responsible party openly agrees to your settlement offer, then your case is automatically resolved.
However, if the counteroffer from the responsible party is not reasonable, then your lawyer may advise that you file a lawsuit. This sets a string of hearings in motion. You have every right to compensation after all. Your personal injury lawyer Salt Lake City counts on makes sure you receive compensation and protects your rights.