Why Have a Car Accident Lawyer?
When car accident attorneys generally come into the picture—or, rather, when you should actively consider obtaining a good car accident lawyer—is when there are any form of injuries involved. As explained above, these can either be minor injuries or major injuries. However, it is usually still advised that lawyers are not necessary when your injuries are just minor, especially since minor injuries are defined as injuries that fail to raise your medical bills past $1000. For these minor injuries, you can still retain a car accident lawyer though you should be aware of the following. Retaining a car accident lawyer in these kinds of injuries will normally result in you getting a lower net settlement amount due to the fact that the claim's value is already low. As such, it is not feasible to have this claim meaningfully increase. When you find yourself dealing with only a minor injury from your car accident, you can typically get a just settlement by way of negotiating with an insurance adjuster. Of course, before that, you will have to learn all about minor injury claims through self-help guides for minor injury victims.
When you have a major injury that stemmed from a car accident—a major injury is when your injury costs you a medical bill that is in excess of $1000—you have to get a good car accident lawyer. When your major injuries enter this cost arena, you likely do not have the proper knowhow, negotiating skill and experience to successfully get yourself a just settlement for your injuries. Even stats back this up: The Insurance Resource Council released a report that concluded that those using a car accident lawyer received 3.5 times more money than those who did not!
As you can see, getting a good car accident lawyer on your side is vital when you are dealing with major injuries from your car accident. Massachusetts attorney Robert Allison is your best bet when searching for a car accident lawyer, provided that your accident occurred in the state of Massachusetts. Robert Allison has essentially three decades of working in the field of law, and he will make this experience work for you if you ever have any needs for settling insurance claims after a car accident.