How to Measure Wrist Size for Body Frame Measurement
- 1). Measure around the smallest part of your wrist with a cloth measuring tape. Record this number.
- 2). Determine your height by standing next to a wall. Have someone mark where the top of your head is and measure the length.
- 3). Find your height and wrist measurement on a body frame chart, which will give you your body frame size (refer to the Resources section for a chart).
- 1). Wrap a piece of string around the smallest part of your wrist and determine the length of string that was needed.
- 2). Lay the string next to a ruler to get an accurate measurement.
- 3). Determine body frame size using height and wrist size determined by string length. Compare measurements with the body frame chart listed in "Resources."
- 1). Fold your fingers around the smallest part of your wrist. If your fingers overlap your thumb, you have a small body frame.
- 2). See if your fingers meet together with your thumb. If so, you have a medium body frame.
- 3). Check to see if your fingers and thumb have a space between them. If so, you have a large body frame.
Measuring Tape Method
String Method
Fingers Method