Halloween Games for Recreation Centers
- The Ghost Tree will give kids some spooky fun. For this game you'll need some artificial trees with lots of branches. If you don't have any trees you could use bushes, real or artificial, but trees work better. Tree branches let the ghosts spin and swing more freely. Create fabric ghosts to hang from the trees. Use balls that are 3 inches in diameter for a nice round ghost. Place foam balls in the center of white fabric squares. Two-foot squares of fabric work nicely. Tie the fabric balls with some white string. Draw spooky eyes on each ghost. Add a number tag to each ghost to identify it. Use duct tape to mark a spot where kids should stand to hit the ghosts with rubber bands. Give each game player three rubber bands. Check the number of each ghost they hit. Award prizes to players according to the number of the ghost. You'll need to watch the players as they pop the ghosts for points. Another option would be to add up the number of ghosts they hit and give them a prize according to the total. Have three different prize categories: small, medium and large.
- No Halloween event would complete without a Pumpkin Patch. Arrange hay bales around your assigned gaming station. Stack the hay bales on top of each other to create multiple levels of game play. Place an empty plastic Jack-O-Lantern weighted down with a bean bag on top of each hay bale. This will keep them from toppling over when kids are trying to toss items into them. As contestants line up give them small stuffed bats made from felt to toss into the pumpkins. Alternatively you could use ping pong balls spray painted black. If they ring three pumpkins give them a big prize. Give candy to everyone who plays.
- For this nasty game you'll need to have lots of pots. Set up a table and cover it with a black table cloth. Use large pots to hold cooked noodles, prepared Jell-O and mashed potatoes. Inside each of the food pots add small novelty toys. Keep the pots covered so no one peeks. As each kid steps up to play the Mad Scientist Game let him choose which pot he'll dig in. When he has chosen, blindfold him. The child may need to use a step stool if he is small and the pot is very large. Pull back the cover of the pot he chooses and let the child dig through the "brains" or "guts" to find a toy. You may want all kids to use hand sanitizer first just to keep your noodles and foods germ free.