DAK Wave Editor Instructions
- 1). Download DAK Wave Editor launch file from the DAK website. Double-click the launcher to begin installation, following the instructions given in the process.
- 2). Launch Wave Editor and you will see the program main screen. Click "Record Source" to change where the recording will come from, either mic, audio file or stream from the Internet.
- 3). Slide the bar underneath "Record Source" higher or lower to change the volume the audio is record at.
- 4). Press the red circle in the top tool bar menu to begin recording. If everything is working properly, you will see waves appearing in the window, matching the beat of the recording.
- 5). Press the black square button in the top tool bar to stop recording. To replay what you have just recorded, click the right-pointing arrow button in the tool bar.
- 6). Edit audio files by highlighting the wave section you want to edit, click "Edit" and select choose how you want to edit it, such as copying or cutting the piece. Add effects such as delay or compression by clicking the "Effects" tab and choosing an option.
- 7). Save the file by clicking "File" and selecting "Save As," type a name for the file and the audio format and press the "Save" button. You can save only parts of the track by highlighting the piece of waves, corresponding to the track, and clicking "File" then "Save Selected As."