Scared, Scarred, Sacred
There are too many scared people running around here.
Too many people pretending to be someone else because they are afraid to be themselves.
People who would rather push you away than bring you in.
I was this person for a short while.
I was afraid to be hurt again so I pretended to be carefree and careless.
I let the fear of my past prevent me from doing new things.
You see old pain is easy to deal with.
If you stay in the same cycle you can expect the same things so even the pain you may experience is easy to deal with because it's old.
That's no way to live.
I realized that I was hurting myself and that I would never have what I wanted if I was afraid to step out of my "comfort" zone.
You can't stay there forever and the longer you stay the more disconnected you become from the people around you, and from your happiness.
Some pain is so deep that it leaves scars.
Some scars never heal and may leave a faint reminder of your hurt.
So many people let these scars define the way they precede into the future.
They see them as battle wounds and move through life like warriors.
They either try to conquer or kill, but never concede.
They move through relationships like criminals and steal, pilfer, or try to destroy everyone in their path.
That's an empty life full of loneliness and pain even if it's not your own.
So many people remain scarred by their past and refuse to let anyone in just close enough to try to inflict the same kind of sorrow.
True love is sacred.
You will never find it living scared and you will never feel it hiding behind scars.
Sometimes that fear of pain is really hiding an intense longing for that true love.
The love that changes you and transforms you.
Many are afraid to experience true love for fear of losing control.
True love has no rules, and can not be contained.
All you can do is hold on, hope that it lasts and at the very least remember its bliss.
Once you have ever felt truly loved, you will never forget it.
We have all been scared, scarred, or in search of sacred love at some point.
This connects us.
This shows us that we are not as different as we would like to think.
Too many people pretending to be someone else because they are afraid to be themselves.
People who would rather push you away than bring you in.
I was this person for a short while.
I was afraid to be hurt again so I pretended to be carefree and careless.
I let the fear of my past prevent me from doing new things.
You see old pain is easy to deal with.
If you stay in the same cycle you can expect the same things so even the pain you may experience is easy to deal with because it's old.
That's no way to live.
I realized that I was hurting myself and that I would never have what I wanted if I was afraid to step out of my "comfort" zone.
You can't stay there forever and the longer you stay the more disconnected you become from the people around you, and from your happiness.
Some pain is so deep that it leaves scars.
Some scars never heal and may leave a faint reminder of your hurt.
So many people let these scars define the way they precede into the future.
They see them as battle wounds and move through life like warriors.
They either try to conquer or kill, but never concede.
They move through relationships like criminals and steal, pilfer, or try to destroy everyone in their path.
That's an empty life full of loneliness and pain even if it's not your own.
So many people remain scarred by their past and refuse to let anyone in just close enough to try to inflict the same kind of sorrow.
True love is sacred.
You will never find it living scared and you will never feel it hiding behind scars.
Sometimes that fear of pain is really hiding an intense longing for that true love.
The love that changes you and transforms you.
Many are afraid to experience true love for fear of losing control.
True love has no rules, and can not be contained.
All you can do is hold on, hope that it lasts and at the very least remember its bliss.
Once you have ever felt truly loved, you will never forget it.
We have all been scared, scarred, or in search of sacred love at some point.
This connects us.
This shows us that we are not as different as we would like to think.