Finch Nests
The nest for any bird is the place where they call home.
They rest and sleep there, and more importantly they reproduce and raise their young there.
The nest has to be sturdy enough to hold the finch, soft enough to be comfortable, and weatherproof (even to the birds who are indoors).
The selection of materials is important for a finch.
Finch nests materials are more important to the males then the females.
Some types of finches, like the Zebra Finch, are very energetic about building the nest.
The male is the one who builds the nest.
Materials like grasses, and feathers are the items of choice.
Natural small twigs are also something that they enjoy and look forward to using.
If you can not find those materials around you could also purchase nesting material from your local pet supply store.
When the finch builds a nest, it is normally large enough to hold one adult (the hen) and several eggs.
The clutch will be as large as five but usually around three.
The hen will stay on the nest until the eggs hatch.
The male will take the females place when she needs to move around and feed herself.
When she is done, she will return to the nest and the male will leave.
After the eggs have been laid, all nesting material should be removed from the cage or aviary to prevent over zealous males from making "improvements" to the nest and covering up the eggs.
The young will stay in the nest until they are weaned by their parents (usually 18 days but not longer than a month).
As they become older they will leave the nest for a short period of time, looking for food and other things of interest.
They will not be too far away from the nest.
They will look toward their parents to teach them in the nest and surrounding area.
The materials for the nest should be placed on the bottom of the cage or aviary so that the males can easily find and use them.
Varying the types of materials will make your finch happy as long as the materials are similar to each other.
You do not want something soft and flexible such as feathers along with stiff material such as grit sticks.
Keeping with natural material like feathers, grasses and twigs will ensure that the finch makes the best nest they know how.
They rest and sleep there, and more importantly they reproduce and raise their young there.
The nest has to be sturdy enough to hold the finch, soft enough to be comfortable, and weatherproof (even to the birds who are indoors).
The selection of materials is important for a finch.
Finch nests materials are more important to the males then the females.
Some types of finches, like the Zebra Finch, are very energetic about building the nest.
The male is the one who builds the nest.
Materials like grasses, and feathers are the items of choice.
Natural small twigs are also something that they enjoy and look forward to using.
If you can not find those materials around you could also purchase nesting material from your local pet supply store.
When the finch builds a nest, it is normally large enough to hold one adult (the hen) and several eggs.
The clutch will be as large as five but usually around three.
The hen will stay on the nest until the eggs hatch.
The male will take the females place when she needs to move around and feed herself.
When she is done, she will return to the nest and the male will leave.
After the eggs have been laid, all nesting material should be removed from the cage or aviary to prevent over zealous males from making "improvements" to the nest and covering up the eggs.
The young will stay in the nest until they are weaned by their parents (usually 18 days but not longer than a month).
As they become older they will leave the nest for a short period of time, looking for food and other things of interest.
They will not be too far away from the nest.
They will look toward their parents to teach them in the nest and surrounding area.
The materials for the nest should be placed on the bottom of the cage or aviary so that the males can easily find and use them.
Varying the types of materials will make your finch happy as long as the materials are similar to each other.
You do not want something soft and flexible such as feathers along with stiff material such as grit sticks.
Keeping with natural material like feathers, grasses and twigs will ensure that the finch makes the best nest they know how.