Top 10 Mistakes Jogging Beginners Make
Most people think that jogging properly can be achieved just by following common sense.
This is a list of top 10 mistakes almost all jogging beginners make and a list of proven techniques to avoid them! #1 Running Too Fast This is perhaps the most commonly seen mistake among all jogging beginners.
Jogging is not about intensity, jogging is about endurance - and your understanding of this fact can literally "make you" or "break you".
Most people, when they first start jogging, run much faster than they should...
When in fact, they should only be running at around 75% of their maximum heart rate.
For an average person in their 30s, an ideal jogging pace would equal to approximately 150 BPM - no more! There's a simple formula to calculate the pace at which you ought to be running (unless you have medical issues, in which case you should always consult with your doctor).
Ideal jogging pulse = (220-your age) X 0.
75 BPM (heart beats per minute) The number you get from this formula represents your ideal pulse for jogging.
Always tend to adjust your speed so that it meets the desired pulse ratio.
#2 Not Running Enough When people don't jog at the right pace (usually too fast), they get exhausted very soon and quit running way too early for any significant effects to take place.
As you may already know, the fat burning process reaches its peak after 20-30 minutes of jogging.
Those are the minutes that make all the difference! You can compare this to weight lifting - it is that last rep that really forces your muscles to grow.
The way to avoid this mistake is to run slowly enough (especially if you're a beginner), and your body will soon adjust to run faster and faster, with each jog you take.
#3 Having Too High Expectations Setting too high expectations of yourself will not only break your spirit, but it will also kill your motivation for jogging.
If you're a beginner and you're out of shape, don't set a goal to go jogging for a full hour...
Instead, carefully examine your current condition and adjust to it.
You may start by jogging for 5 minutes, and then walking for 5, until you reach 30 minutes in total.
This way, you can gradually increase the time spent jogging and decrease the time spent walking until you are able to run for 30 minutes straight.
#4 Not Having The Proper Shoes Having the proper running shoes is really, really important.
With proper running shoes, your jogging sessions will feel more enjoyable and you will look forward to jogging.
On the other hand, by not having the proper running shoes, you will experience constant aches and pains in your feet, possibly even serious injuries which will almost certainly lead to loss of motivation and eventually quitting jogging altogether.
#5 Not Tracking Your Progress Whether your goal is to lose weight, have more energy, release stress or simply build stamina - you should always track your progress! There's a strong psychological reason for this.
When you track your progress, you become totally focused on your jogging performance.
This has a significant imprint on your subconscious mind and helps you achieve better results.
After each run, jot down specific details like the duration and mileage run, as well as how you felt during the run.
#6 Focusing On The Wrong Things If you could look through the eyes of an average jogging beginner, you would see his/her stopwatch 90% of the time.
This is because most beginners are so anxious to complete the session, that they rarely even enjoy the process...
This is a recipe for failure.
If you can't keep your eyes off the watch, try listening to music while you jog.
Music is a great way to distract yourself from reality and your jogging sessions will pass much more quickly.
#7 Not Hydrating Properly Hydration is very important.
However, it is pretty inconvenient to carry a bottle in your hand while you're jogging, isn't it? This is the exact reason why most jogging beginners neglect hydration while they run.
They do it afterwards, which is fine, but researchers have shown that hydration during physical activities can prolong and strengthen your ability to do the exercise.
Try buying a belt with a bottle holder, a great little invention which will make your life much easier! #8 Wrong Breathing Technique You would be amazed at how much of a difference proper breathing can make.
Most beginners don't know how to breathe properly...
Should you inhale through your nose or through your mouth? What about exhaling? What if you're exhausted? The answer is, you should inhale and exhale both through your nose and your mouth.
You may have heard that you should always inhale through your nose, but this is not true with jogging.
You simply can't get enough air that way.
And this is an "aerobic" exercise after all - your body needs the oxygen.
#9 Wrong Running Technique If you're experiencing pain while you're running, chances are your running technique is flawed.
First, you should make sure you're always looking ahead, never down.
Secondly, make sure you are landing on the middle of your foot, avoid landing on your toes or your heels.
Thirdly, keep your posterior straight so your spine doesn't suffer.
#10 Making Excuses For Not Jogging New joggers often find themselves procrastinating over a (what they believe to be) "legitimate" reason.
The number one excuse is certainly not finding the time.
If you can't find 30 minutes daily to give your body the best gift you could give, then you simply do not care about it.
Truth is, you CAN ALWAYS find the time if you want to.
Why not wake up 30 minutes earlier and use that time for jogging? Most of us sleep way too much anyway...
This is a list of top 10 mistakes almost all jogging beginners make and a list of proven techniques to avoid them! #1 Running Too Fast This is perhaps the most commonly seen mistake among all jogging beginners.
Jogging is not about intensity, jogging is about endurance - and your understanding of this fact can literally "make you" or "break you".
Most people, when they first start jogging, run much faster than they should...
When in fact, they should only be running at around 75% of their maximum heart rate.
For an average person in their 30s, an ideal jogging pace would equal to approximately 150 BPM - no more! There's a simple formula to calculate the pace at which you ought to be running (unless you have medical issues, in which case you should always consult with your doctor).
Ideal jogging pulse = (220-your age) X 0.
75 BPM (heart beats per minute) The number you get from this formula represents your ideal pulse for jogging.
Always tend to adjust your speed so that it meets the desired pulse ratio.
#2 Not Running Enough When people don't jog at the right pace (usually too fast), they get exhausted very soon and quit running way too early for any significant effects to take place.
As you may already know, the fat burning process reaches its peak after 20-30 minutes of jogging.
Those are the minutes that make all the difference! You can compare this to weight lifting - it is that last rep that really forces your muscles to grow.
The way to avoid this mistake is to run slowly enough (especially if you're a beginner), and your body will soon adjust to run faster and faster, with each jog you take.
#3 Having Too High Expectations Setting too high expectations of yourself will not only break your spirit, but it will also kill your motivation for jogging.
If you're a beginner and you're out of shape, don't set a goal to go jogging for a full hour...
Instead, carefully examine your current condition and adjust to it.
You may start by jogging for 5 minutes, and then walking for 5, until you reach 30 minutes in total.
This way, you can gradually increase the time spent jogging and decrease the time spent walking until you are able to run for 30 minutes straight.
#4 Not Having The Proper Shoes Having the proper running shoes is really, really important.
With proper running shoes, your jogging sessions will feel more enjoyable and you will look forward to jogging.
On the other hand, by not having the proper running shoes, you will experience constant aches and pains in your feet, possibly even serious injuries which will almost certainly lead to loss of motivation and eventually quitting jogging altogether.
#5 Not Tracking Your Progress Whether your goal is to lose weight, have more energy, release stress or simply build stamina - you should always track your progress! There's a strong psychological reason for this.
When you track your progress, you become totally focused on your jogging performance.
This has a significant imprint on your subconscious mind and helps you achieve better results.
After each run, jot down specific details like the duration and mileage run, as well as how you felt during the run.
#6 Focusing On The Wrong Things If you could look through the eyes of an average jogging beginner, you would see his/her stopwatch 90% of the time.
This is because most beginners are so anxious to complete the session, that they rarely even enjoy the process...
This is a recipe for failure.
If you can't keep your eyes off the watch, try listening to music while you jog.
Music is a great way to distract yourself from reality and your jogging sessions will pass much more quickly.
#7 Not Hydrating Properly Hydration is very important.
However, it is pretty inconvenient to carry a bottle in your hand while you're jogging, isn't it? This is the exact reason why most jogging beginners neglect hydration while they run.
They do it afterwards, which is fine, but researchers have shown that hydration during physical activities can prolong and strengthen your ability to do the exercise.
Try buying a belt with a bottle holder, a great little invention which will make your life much easier! #8 Wrong Breathing Technique You would be amazed at how much of a difference proper breathing can make.
Most beginners don't know how to breathe properly...
Should you inhale through your nose or through your mouth? What about exhaling? What if you're exhausted? The answer is, you should inhale and exhale both through your nose and your mouth.
You may have heard that you should always inhale through your nose, but this is not true with jogging.
You simply can't get enough air that way.
And this is an "aerobic" exercise after all - your body needs the oxygen.
#9 Wrong Running Technique If you're experiencing pain while you're running, chances are your running technique is flawed.
First, you should make sure you're always looking ahead, never down.
Secondly, make sure you are landing on the middle of your foot, avoid landing on your toes or your heels.
Thirdly, keep your posterior straight so your spine doesn't suffer.
#10 Making Excuses For Not Jogging New joggers often find themselves procrastinating over a (what they believe to be) "legitimate" reason.
The number one excuse is certainly not finding the time.
If you can't find 30 minutes daily to give your body the best gift you could give, then you simply do not care about it.
Truth is, you CAN ALWAYS find the time if you want to.
Why not wake up 30 minutes earlier and use that time for jogging? Most of us sleep way too much anyway...