Working Out With A Personal Trainer For Maximum Results
Walk into any fitness facility today and you will easily find well-sculpted instructors standing over clients as they motivate and work through training sessions. The untrained mind may think, I dont need a trainer. I can do that for myself. However, private training is more than standing over clients and counting repetitions. Past statistics have shown nearly 90 per cent of all people who resolve to get into better shape will quit exercise programs within 3 months. Lack of discipline is one of several reasons gym members rarely see results. Private trainers provide initial discipline through accountability. Clients who know they must meet their trainer greatly improve their likelihood of long term exercise adherence. Over time regular private training sessions become habit and make adherence much easier. When clients adhere to regular exercise they get results.
Also, key to results is knowledge. Exercise and training has become more scientific over the last 15 years. Much of exercise today surpasses old school standards. In the past, great training sessions were judged by the level of soreness on the second day. Being crippled was the result of good training. However, private trainers and fitness educators take a more rehabilitative approach to training. Corrective exercise and functional fitness are now foundational to all training. The one size fits all method is no longer sufficient for todays client. As more and more people become sedentary and sit for a living, traditional exercise training may be indicated or contraindicated. Trainers today perform intricate postural assessments designed to correct muscle imbalances and postural deviations that create pain. This knowledge is not considered by the average person.
Associated with postural correction is injury prevention. Ego gets in the way for many people who train. Its very impressive to lift heavy weight, and some do it by any means necessary. This philosophy may not produce immediate pain or injury but slowly wears on joints, ligaments and tendons and may cause irreparable damage over time. Others are afraid of being sold private training sessions and are content to bury themselves in headphones avoiding eye contact with trainers who cringe at their poor form and technique. Private training clients learn body awareness through exercise and learn to focus on technique over sets, reps and weight.
Clients also learn to wade through the waters of dieting and learn basic food principles. No exercise program will bring maximum results without proper eating. Whether the goal is to gain muscle or lose fat, nutrition is vital to results. Without proper nutrition training for maximum results is almost a waste of time. While some trainers may have registered dietician certifications to accompany training certifications, others may not. However, a good trainer is able to help his or her client avoid chasing the latest diet or eating fad. Fads only produce temporary results, waste time and are hardly synonymous with lifestyle change.
It is not uncommon for clients to work with trainers for many years. However, most clients or trainers will end the relationship at some point. Clients, over time can learn to design their own fitness programs to prevent aimless wandering, guessing and exercises that only exacerbate muscle imbalances.
Also, key to results is knowledge. Exercise and training has become more scientific over the last 15 years. Much of exercise today surpasses old school standards. In the past, great training sessions were judged by the level of soreness on the second day. Being crippled was the result of good training. However, private trainers and fitness educators take a more rehabilitative approach to training. Corrective exercise and functional fitness are now foundational to all training. The one size fits all method is no longer sufficient for todays client. As more and more people become sedentary and sit for a living, traditional exercise training may be indicated or contraindicated. Trainers today perform intricate postural assessments designed to correct muscle imbalances and postural deviations that create pain. This knowledge is not considered by the average person.
Associated with postural correction is injury prevention. Ego gets in the way for many people who train. Its very impressive to lift heavy weight, and some do it by any means necessary. This philosophy may not produce immediate pain or injury but slowly wears on joints, ligaments and tendons and may cause irreparable damage over time. Others are afraid of being sold private training sessions and are content to bury themselves in headphones avoiding eye contact with trainers who cringe at their poor form and technique. Private training clients learn body awareness through exercise and learn to focus on technique over sets, reps and weight.
Clients also learn to wade through the waters of dieting and learn basic food principles. No exercise program will bring maximum results without proper eating. Whether the goal is to gain muscle or lose fat, nutrition is vital to results. Without proper nutrition training for maximum results is almost a waste of time. While some trainers may have registered dietician certifications to accompany training certifications, others may not. However, a good trainer is able to help his or her client avoid chasing the latest diet or eating fad. Fads only produce temporary results, waste time and are hardly synonymous with lifestyle change.
It is not uncommon for clients to work with trainers for many years. However, most clients or trainers will end the relationship at some point. Clients, over time can learn to design their own fitness programs to prevent aimless wandering, guessing and exercises that only exacerbate muscle imbalances.