How Magnet Therapy Can Help Stem The Tide of The Hidden Chronic Fatigue Epidemic
So, how can an epidemic that's affecting over 1 million people remain hidden you may ask? When you take a moment to think about it, you would probably assume that something affecting so many people would have had a major impact on the headlines right? Well, actually, no, at least not in the case of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS), you see the difficulty with this complex illness is that many people may have it without even realising it! Part of the problem is that there is no one single cause that leads to CFS.
In fact, the range of symptoms is so wide that, the illness can often remain undetected for years.
Some of these symptoms are listed here:
So in many respects, the silently raging internal crisis often only becomes apparent, when the bodys immune system is given one symptoms too many burdens to handle, so it responds with a breakdown in the form of CFS.
In addition to the symptoms I mentioned earlier, one of the biggest challenges that sufferer's have to contend with, is people, i.
, some doctors and even family and friends thinking that the illness is 'all in their head'.
The main reason for this is due to CFS having a psychological element it.
The first documented cases of CFS appeared in the 1980's in Nevada, where patients reported feeling an overwhelming sense of fatigue and muscle pain.
At the time it was thought that group of people likely to be most susceptible to CFS were young, white and affluent professionals, hence the unfortunate term 'Yuppie Flu' was born.
In the UK it became known as ME.
According to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), most CFS sufferers are typically white, female with an age range between 40's to 50's.
The Cause Despite that fact that there has been active research in this area for the last twenty years, the experts have yet to reach a consensus as to what actually causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
One theory is that no single cause exists, however, according to medical research specialists such as Dr W.
Philpott and Dr Kalita, viruses such as those listed below are thought to play a role:
However, today I would like to introduce you to the significant work of Dr William H.
Philpott who is a leading expert in the field of Bio Magnetic Therapy.
Magnetic therapy can be defined as a safe, natural and non-invasive method of applying high strength magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes.
Dr Philpott's work demonstrates that Magnets have been clinically proven to relieve many health problems including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so let's take a look.
Eradication of Infections As I mentioned earlier, there is a theory which suggests that infections are a major player in CFS.
Therefore, when magnets are applied to your body, the negative Magnetic Field can have the effect of acting like a natural antibiotic towards infections present within your system.
Get That Energy Back and Control Those Hormones The application of magnets to the head and body (particularly at night time) can stimulate Melatonin and Human Growth Hormone production levels.
This is key, as these are two of the hormones which control the bodies' energy system.
Research has shown that the Adrenal Gland has significant role in helping to control energy.
If there is a hormonal imbalance occurring within this gland then fatigue as experienced by CFS sufferers can occur.
The increased production in Melatonin can help to correct any imbalances associated with the Adrenal and Thyroid glands.
Relieve The Stress & Depression Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has a psychological component to it.
Therefore, as a sufferer you would need to help yourself by actively removing some of the stress inducing factors in your lifestyle.
The application of magnets on the forehead has been shown to relieve the symptoms of depression.
As I bring this article to a close, I would like you to focus on the fact that you don't have to be passive in your recovery Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
There is action you can take, other approaches such a Magnet Therapy can be used to compliment any treatment that you may be currently undergoing.
In fact, the range of symptoms is so wide that, the illness can often remain undetected for years.
Some of these symptoms are listed here:
- Allergies
- Brain fog
- Confusion & memory loss
- Excessive coughing
- Decrease in appetite
- Depression
- Digestive disorders
- Dizziness
- Headaches
- Irritability
- Joint and muscle pain
- Low body temperature
- Fever
- Nausea
- Prolonged fatigue after exertion
- Severe fatigue
So in many respects, the silently raging internal crisis often only becomes apparent, when the bodys immune system is given one symptoms too many burdens to handle, so it responds with a breakdown in the form of CFS.
In addition to the symptoms I mentioned earlier, one of the biggest challenges that sufferer's have to contend with, is people, i.
, some doctors and even family and friends thinking that the illness is 'all in their head'.
The main reason for this is due to CFS having a psychological element it.
The first documented cases of CFS appeared in the 1980's in Nevada, where patients reported feeling an overwhelming sense of fatigue and muscle pain.
At the time it was thought that group of people likely to be most susceptible to CFS were young, white and affluent professionals, hence the unfortunate term 'Yuppie Flu' was born.
In the UK it became known as ME.
According to the Centre for Disease Control (CDC), most CFS sufferers are typically white, female with an age range between 40's to 50's.
The Cause Despite that fact that there has been active research in this area for the last twenty years, the experts have yet to reach a consensus as to what actually causes Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
One theory is that no single cause exists, however, according to medical research specialists such as Dr W.
Philpott and Dr Kalita, viruses such as those listed below are thought to play a role:
- Epstein-Barr
- Cytemegalo
- Candidiasis (Yeast Overgrowth)
- Under active Thyroid Gland
- Stress
- Toxic Overload
- Nutritional Deficiencies
- Prolonged use of Antibiotics, Hydrocortisone or Vaccinations
However, today I would like to introduce you to the significant work of Dr William H.
Philpott who is a leading expert in the field of Bio Magnetic Therapy.
Magnetic therapy can be defined as a safe, natural and non-invasive method of applying high strength magnetic fields to the body for therapeutic purposes.
Dr Philpott's work demonstrates that Magnets have been clinically proven to relieve many health problems including Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, so let's take a look.
Eradication of Infections As I mentioned earlier, there is a theory which suggests that infections are a major player in CFS.
Therefore, when magnets are applied to your body, the negative Magnetic Field can have the effect of acting like a natural antibiotic towards infections present within your system.
Get That Energy Back and Control Those Hormones The application of magnets to the head and body (particularly at night time) can stimulate Melatonin and Human Growth Hormone production levels.
This is key, as these are two of the hormones which control the bodies' energy system.
Research has shown that the Adrenal Gland has significant role in helping to control energy.
If there is a hormonal imbalance occurring within this gland then fatigue as experienced by CFS sufferers can occur.
The increased production in Melatonin can help to correct any imbalances associated with the Adrenal and Thyroid glands.
Relieve The Stress & Depression Chronic Fatigue Syndrome has a psychological component to it.
Therefore, as a sufferer you would need to help yourself by actively removing some of the stress inducing factors in your lifestyle.
The application of magnets on the forehead has been shown to relieve the symptoms of depression.
As I bring this article to a close, I would like you to focus on the fact that you don't have to be passive in your recovery Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.
There is action you can take, other approaches such a Magnet Therapy can be used to compliment any treatment that you may be currently undergoing.