How to Swag a Wire Rope
- 1). Prepare your socket glue according to the manufacturer's instructions.
- 2). Insert one of the wire rope ends to be swagged into a vise and tighten it down, with about 1 foot extending beyond the vise and the rope end facing skyward. Uncoil about 1/2 foot of wire at the end of the rope with the spike and mallet to separate the coils.
- 3). Bunch the uncoiled wires together and insert them into a two-pronged wire socket, extending upward through the socket until the tips reach to just below the fork opening. Hold the socket in place while pouring the socket glue compound into the hole of the socket where the rope wire is located. Let the compound harden for at least 10 minutes. Tighten the vise around the the base of the socket to crimp the seal on the rope.
- 4). Apply grease to the other wire rope end you are connecting and slide the appropriate size steel sleeve onto the rope. It will be approximately twice the diameter of the rope to accommodate a doubled-up section.
- 5). Insert this wire rope end through the two holes at the end of the two-pronged section and back down the rope about 1/2 foot. Apply glue compound to the inside of the sleeve. Then slide the sleeve up to join the two rope sections. Lightly hold the joint in place with a mallet. Allow the glue to dry another 10 minutes.
- 6). Insert the sleeve and socket end separately into a driving machine to fully crimp the two connections and seal the swag.