Seven Selling Principles To Adhere To
Success and failure are part of everyday selling.
Thankfully there are principles of selling you can adhere to that make the successes outweigh the failures by a wide margin.
1- Qualify each prospect: Observe your prospect to determine if he should be a prospect and question him to see if he really is one.
2- Make a good impression on your prospect to win his confidence quickly: Be tactful and have a worthwhile message.
Be conservative with your statements and also reasonable with your claims to promote the prospects' belief in you.
3- Partner up with your prospect: The sale comes more naturally when the prospect feels you and he are mutually trying to find a better way to solve his problems.
4- Get his attention through curiosity: Curiosity on the part of the customer to see and hear more opens the way to a good interview.
5- Safeguard the customers' confidence: Belief in your product should be developed slowly with facts, proof sources and good selling techniques.
Do not undermine your customers' confidence towards you with exaggeration and carelessness in your words or manner.
6- Listen attentively and ask questions frequently: Questioning to obtain facts and disclose reactions will help you sell the prospect.
He knows what he wants although he may not say so so readily.
The way to find out is by questioning, listening and observing.
7- Build up acceptance by progressive agreement: Create an affirmative attitude that naturally leads the prospect to say yes as often as possible.
Soliciting yes frequently puts the customer in a positive frame of mind throughout the interview and leads to a yes at the close.
Selling is something you can not be taught overnight or get out of a book or learn in an instant.
There are principles you have to learn, follow, and practice to be successful.
Thankfully there are principles of selling you can adhere to that make the successes outweigh the failures by a wide margin.
1- Qualify each prospect: Observe your prospect to determine if he should be a prospect and question him to see if he really is one.
2- Make a good impression on your prospect to win his confidence quickly: Be tactful and have a worthwhile message.
Be conservative with your statements and also reasonable with your claims to promote the prospects' belief in you.
3- Partner up with your prospect: The sale comes more naturally when the prospect feels you and he are mutually trying to find a better way to solve his problems.
4- Get his attention through curiosity: Curiosity on the part of the customer to see and hear more opens the way to a good interview.
5- Safeguard the customers' confidence: Belief in your product should be developed slowly with facts, proof sources and good selling techniques.
Do not undermine your customers' confidence towards you with exaggeration and carelessness in your words or manner.
6- Listen attentively and ask questions frequently: Questioning to obtain facts and disclose reactions will help you sell the prospect.
He knows what he wants although he may not say so so readily.
The way to find out is by questioning, listening and observing.
7- Build up acceptance by progressive agreement: Create an affirmative attitude that naturally leads the prospect to say yes as often as possible.
Soliciting yes frequently puts the customer in a positive frame of mind throughout the interview and leads to a yes at the close.
Selling is something you can not be taught overnight or get out of a book or learn in an instant.
There are principles you have to learn, follow, and practice to be successful.