Telltale Warning Signs of a Failing Marriage - Help For Couples in Crisis
All relationships have their rough spots. This is true whether you are dating or married. Many couples struggle with ongoing issues that over time start to splinter the foundation of their relationship. If you feel this is happening with your spouse, it can be both frustrating and scary. Loving your partner, while at the same time realizing they are drifting away is heartbreaking. If you are worried that your marriage has fallen into this category, there are a few warning signs of a failing marriage that when present indicate things have to change quickly if you wish to avoid a divorce.
One of the most noticeable warning signs of a failing marriagecenters on the amount of time you and your spouse spend together. When children arrive in a relationship it's easy to lose sight of the importance of the primary relationship between the husband and wife. If a couple looks for excuses as to why they can't be together, that's cause for concern. Consider how often you two actually take a moment or two just to focus on one another. If you want your marriage to thrive you have to start putting one another first.
Another of the telltale warning signs of a failing marriage is constant criticism. Couples often fall into this trap when they've been married for some time. One partner may be the instigator. They constantly pick at small things that their spouse does that annoy them. Over time, the other partner will start to retaliate by engaging in the same type of behaviour. This leads to a deep sense of resentment that can be difficult to overcome if it continues for too long. If this is happening in your marriage and you still love your partner, you need to take the first step to stop it now.
One of the most noticeable warning signs of a failing marriagecenters on the amount of time you and your spouse spend together. When children arrive in a relationship it's easy to lose sight of the importance of the primary relationship between the husband and wife. If a couple looks for excuses as to why they can't be together, that's cause for concern. Consider how often you two actually take a moment or two just to focus on one another. If you want your marriage to thrive you have to start putting one another first.
Another of the telltale warning signs of a failing marriage is constant criticism. Couples often fall into this trap when they've been married for some time. One partner may be the instigator. They constantly pick at small things that their spouse does that annoy them. Over time, the other partner will start to retaliate by engaging in the same type of behaviour. This leads to a deep sense of resentment that can be difficult to overcome if it continues for too long. If this is happening in your marriage and you still love your partner, you need to take the first step to stop it now.