What Should You Do With Your Ex"s Pics?
So what should you with your ex's pictures after a breakup? The last thing that you should do is to post naked pictures of your ex girlfriend onto websites and forums.
By doing this, you destroy any chance that the two of you can ever be friends or lovers in the future.
Other than this, you are getting yourself into serious trouble with the law.
So no matter what she did to cause the breakup, you should not expose her pictures to the public.
Be a gentleman.
If you have your ex girlfriend pictures and still wish to get her back, then you should not look at her photos now.
Looking at her photos will make you obsess over her.
You will become emotional and do things that will destroy any chance of getting her back.
If you want to get your ex girlfriend back, you need to stay calm and follow the proven methods to get her back.
By not looking at her photos, you will not have the urge to call or text her, especially when the breakup is fresh.
When the breakup is fresh, you should give her some time and space.
When she is given enough space, she will begin thinking of the good times the both of you shared.
This works in your favor.
So if you want to get your ex girlfriend back, do not obsess over old photos of your ex girlfriend.
Keep the photos away for the time being.
If you are serious about getting your ex girlfriend back, then you need to learn from the best.
I still haven't found a better resource than the system below.
Thousands of couples have salvaged their relationships by following it.