Ten Windows-Based Troubleshooting Tools & Utilities
- Utility software can enhance the computing experience.pc de bureau image by YvesBonnet from Fotolia.com
Windows Sysinternals utilities help computer users and system administrators manage and troubleshoot Windows systems and applications. The 10 most useful and popular Sysinternals troubleshooting utilities and tools work on Windows XP and higher, and on Windows Server 2003 and higher. PageDefrag and RootkitRevealer work only on the 32-bit versions of the Windows operating systems. - Autoruns, the MSConfig utility "on steroids," lists the programs that start at system boot and login, in the order processed by the Windows operating system. In addition, it provides the Registry and file locations where applications offer auto-start options.
- This program generates system information, such as computer name, network adapters and IP addresses, for the desktop background. Placing BgInfo in the Startup folder results in a refreshed display of system information at each boot.
- Use Contig to defragment frequently used files quickly, optimize individual files or create contiguous new files. Contig is a good choice for optimizing files always, or nearly always, in use.
- With the Desktops utility, the user can organize applications on as many as four virtual desktops, preview each desktop and easily switch from one to another.
- Standard defragmentation programs cannot defragment Registry hives (the storage format of the Registry) and paging files, which can be significant sources of system slowdown. PageDefrag can defragment both.
- To find out which software program is using a specific file or directory, run Process Explorer. Its upper window lists the open processes, and its lower window reveals the handles and dynamic-link library files opened or loaded by the selected process. Use search to learn which processes have specific handles opened or dynamic-link library files loaded. This tool helps users find handle leaks and version issues, and conflicts in dynamic-link library files.
- Process Monitor is an advanced real-time file system, Registry, process, thread and dynamic-link library file activity monitor. It is a core utility in the malware removal and troubleshooting toolkits of computer consultants.
- PsPasswd is a command-line utility that lets system administrators change account passwords on local or remote systems. With PsPasswd, administrators can use batch files to change simultaneously the administrator password across all the computers they manage. PsPasswd uses application programming interfaces for resetting passwords. It does not send passwords in the clear over the network.
- RootkitRevealer, an advanced tool for root-kit detection, scans computer systems for root-kit malware. It works by finding discrepancies in application programming interfaces in the Registry and file system, a clue that a root kit may be at work. RootkitRevealer detects many root kits, such as AFX, Vanquish and HackerDefender. It does not detect root kits, such as Fu, that do not hide files or registry keys.
- ZoomIt is a tool for zooming in, drawing and making notes on the computer screen. Consultants use it during system issue diagnosis. Presenters use it during application demonstrations. ZoomIt runs in the system tray. By configuring hotkeys, users can zoom in on any area of the screen, move around and draw on the zoomed image.
Process Explorer
Process Monitor